15 September 2009

BBAW: Interview with Christina

For the BBAW Interview, I was paired up with Christina at book-a-rama. Chris is a stay-at-home mom who loves reading, photography, scrapbooking, and crochet. Her book reviews are insightful and interesting as she mixes the information you need to know with quirky observations and real-life connections. Reading her blog is like listening to a friend talk about books. I was very excited to interview her, and I highly recommend checking out her blog.

Why did you start blogging? Did your blog begin as a book blog?

I can blame this one on Stephanie from Confessions of a Bookaholic. Stephanie and I belong to the same online book club. Back in 2006, she invited us all to visit her blog. I asked, "What's a blog?" before having a look. I liked the idea of having a place to record my thoughts on what I read and maybe having a discussion with others about them. I started my own and it went from there.

What is your favorite genre and how did you start reading that genre? What book got you interested in that genre?

Maybe not so much a genre but I love reading the classics. The first books I'd call classics were the few I found on my parents' bookshelf back when I was a teen. Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre were the first. From there I read all the Austen novels I found at the library.

What do you like about Austen's writing? Do you have a favorite among her works?

Austen had a very interesting way of looking at the world. She's was partly cynical, partly romantic. Her commentary on society always gives me a chuckle. As for a favorite, I think it depends on which one I'm reading at the time, but if really pressed, it's a toss up between Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion. The only one I'm not really fond of is Mansfield Park.

You are being forced to live on Mars and you can only bring three books. Which three would you bring and why?

Forced to live on Mars, oh dear. Sounds lonely. I'd have to bring some old friends. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, my favorite novel. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, adventure and revenge, plus if Edmond Dantes can break out of prison, I can get off Mars. And for a little romance, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

What influence has book blogging had on your reading choices, if any?

I've found a lot of new-to-me authors and books. I'm especially influenced when bloggers I respect are excited about a book. It's contagious.

Do you have any favorite titles you discovered on someone else's blog?

Blogging has really expanded my reading preferences. I had never heard of Colleen Gleason or Neil Gaiman until I started blogging. I ended up reading The Rest Falls Away and Coraline. I'm glad I did. They are both great books.

What is the strangest place you have ever read and why were you reading there?

I don't know if it's strange but I noticed that I was the only one reading at the skating rink where my daughter was having lessons.

I noticed you also post pictures on your blog. What do you like about photography?

Photography allows me to be creative without words. I like how a photo can tell a story or let my readers see the world as I see it. I have a love for nature and that's my favorite subject, particularly flowers.

Have you ever had a crush on a literary character? If so, who and why?

*blushes* Yes, I've had crushes. I've always had a soft spot for Mr Rochester. Then there's the hero of Outlander Jamie Fraser and for something completely different Dr Stephen Maturin from the Aubrey/Maturin series (that might have something to do with Paul Bettany in Master & Commander). I like smart guys.


I would like to thank Chris for answering all of my questions and congratulate her on book-a-rama, a wonderfully interesting blog that has become a must-read for me!


  1. Thanks for having me! I love that little Mars pic. hehe!

  2. Great interview! And I'll definitely check out Chris's blog!

  3. I loved reading your thoughts on Jane Austen, Chris. The more I read her, the more I see that.

  4. Hee, Hee, Hee. I take full responsbility for unleashing this fantastic blog onto the world!! Chris is awesome! And her blog is so smart and insightful, it puts mine to shame!

    Great interview!

  5. Great interview. I enjoy Chris' blog, and I agree with her about Mansfield Park.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  6. I love Chris's blog - I would be right there reading with her at ice skating practice!

  7. It was wonderful interviewing Chris and getting acquainted with her blog. I loved the "reading at kid's practice" idea.

  8. Fun interview! I don't know how anyone could resist Jamie Fraser's charm.

  9. Ooh, Jane Eyre and Outlander are two of my favorites too!

  10. Chris got to go to Mars?!? Ooooh, so jealous.

    LOL...great interview!

  11. I’m already a fan of Chris’s but it was nice to get to know her better – thanks!

  12. When on the moon, one can float because there is no gravity. When on mars, one becomes an adorable cartoon stick figure, because Mars is just that awesome.

  13. Exactly Cass! Mars is so much better than the moon!

  14. Great interview! I loved the question about an odd reading place. I have to think on that one. P&P and Count of Monte Cristo are 2 of my favorite books. I love Chris' blog. She has added to my TBR pile, too!

  15. I'm slowly catching up with the BBAW interview. I'm excited to get to know Chris more. I'm a big fan of her blog. I agree with Cris' statement about blogger's enthusiasm over a book being contagious. I've found a great many books as a result.

    Thanks for the great interview, Trisha!


Talk to me baby!