17 January 2007

Why eclectic / eccentric?

I'm not overly unusual, nor am I exceptionally odd. So why would someone who's rather average choose eclectic / eccentric as the name of her blog? The answer is relatively simple. I'm unable to be perfectly normal. My normalcy is infused with elements of the strange. My interests are eclectic. I am not a specialist, not having the focus necessary to learn all about one subject matter but instead drawing from various disciplines and areas of interest. And sometimes those interests are rather odd, strange, bizarre, or any other synonym; hence, I added eccentric.

Now, to show I am in good company...Quotes....

From David Weeks: The eccentric never changes themselves, never even contemplates doing that,...They're always true to their own nature and as far as they're concerned, the rest of society can either like them or not.

From John Stuart Mill: The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time.

From Crispin Glover: It's originally a mathematical term...Something that veers off the line is eccentric, not concentric. If you look at the poetry of that, there really isn't anything wrong with going off the line and exploring different things.

From Roland Barthes: I have tried to be as eclectic as I possibly can with my professional life, and so far it's been pretty fun.

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