26 February 2007

Two Versions of the Same Poem

Silky petals float slowly to the concrete ground
Whispering softness seeping into skin
And lust laughing at the loss of love.

Originally the above was a haiku...

Silky petals float
Slowly to the concrete ground
Whispering softness

But I like version two better.

1 comment:

  1. The second (non-haiku) version certainly gives a fuller visual and emotional picture. The English language is a playground for such descriptions; we have so many words and word forms that devices like alliteration can be a lot of fun, and, as I believe this poem illustrates, sensual as well.
    However, I've been somewhat intrigued by haiku lately. The form is so simple and so seemingly bare, yet speaking in riddle-ridden haiku can be a language in itself. So as to which I prefer ... it's hard to choose between the florid English and Japanese minimalist sensibility.


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