31 October 2008

Halloween Rocks

Halloween is that magical time of year when everyone can discard the uniform of the day to day mundane and reveal their true personality, dress in their preferred style (which for many people seems to be pirate), and of course eat large quantities of unhealthy food without the typical feelings of guilt. What is not to like?

And yet, despite the wonder of the holiday and the opportunity to take pictures such as the one above, people still insist on not celebrating or even protesting halloween. The holiday seems to be an odd mixture of a druidic pagan holiday, a roman holiday honoring a fruit and garden goddess, and a christian holiday honoring saints (in that order). But after hundreds of years, the holiday has changed into nothing more than a fun time with costumes, candy, and parties.

In other words, trying to say that Halloween should not be celebrated because of its "meaning" is ridiculous. For the majority of America, the meaning is quite simple (aka costumes, candy, and parties). I mean, seriously, how is this evil?

I guess I can see how the penguin is deviously planning to kill off the pumpkin, who in turn is of course, thinking about how he could steal the teddy bear's girl. Or is it just the following that is objectionable?

Yeah, I can't deny the disturbing nature of that lobster costume. I mean, it's clear that those parents harbor fantasies of killing their baby. Or perhaps it isn't the costumes that are the most objecctionable portion of halloween. Maybe it's the house-egging, tree-toiletpapering, pumpkin-stealing issues; and are those really so horrific that we should stage protests?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the lobster baby doesn't look thrilled...poor thing is thinking, "Why the hell have I been stuffed into this pot?"


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