29 July 2009

BTT: One Week Late

Okay, so I'm a bit late on this one. Sue me. I was on vacation, and this one is just too fun and easy to pass up. This is so easy in fact I am going to do no more than one sentence for each.

Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)

Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? I like to think, so serious.
Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? Paperbacks for sure as it's a pain to hold hardcovers.
Fiction? Or Nonfiction? My life is real enough so I prefer the unreal.
Poetry? Or Prose? Prose all the way.
Biographies? Or Autobiographies? I like reading what people think of themselves.
History? Or Historical Fiction? Historical Fiction or at least History told as story.
Series? Or Stand-alones? If it's a great book, series, but if mediocre, stand alone.
Classics? Or best-sellers? Classics are the best but my definition of classic is rather fluid.
Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? Fruity prose makes me feel like a bug in a raindrop. Exactly.
Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? It depends on the mood, but mainly plots.
Long books? Or Short? I like 'em long.
Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? This one is very difficult but generally non-illustrated.
Borrowed? Or Owned? I own practically all of what I read.
New? Or Used? I like to read the marginal notes in used books.

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