05 September 2009


I am a passenger. I am moving through your dreams. I am riding in your dreams.

I ride on dragonback from Manhattan, the dragon is made of rivetted iron and smells of cotton candy.

I travel briefly by bus, in the back the dreamer copulates desperately, not noticing his autonomous passenger. I sit at the front and talk to the driver.

Approaching the state of Delaware, the dreamer is a small dog, dreaming impatiently of a past life, long forgotten, when he sailed tall ships across uncharted...The salt
spray of the ocean stings my face.

I am moving through dreams, pulling toward Mayhew, feeling for the jewel.

Through your dreams, my sleeping children. You had a passenger, and you never knew.

~Neil Gaiman
Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes

Would you like to travel through dreams? Why or why not?


  1. I love that passage <3

    As for your question...I don't know. It would be interesting, but probably also quite scary! And it would feel awkward to find out all sort of secrets about people through their dreams :P

  2. Nymeth - It would definitely be awkward, but I have to admit to a certain nosiness that makes it rather appealing. :)


Talk to me baby!