25 October 2009

Read-a-Thon Hour 24


Since Last Update

Minutes Read: 0
Pages Read: 0
Time Blogging: 30 mins

Time Reading: 14 hours 8 mins
Pages Read: 1771
Books Read: 8
Mini-Challenges Completed: 9
Time Blogging: 8 hours 11 mins
Total Comments: 150

Books Read
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
The Sandman: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman
The Vampire's Assistant by Darren Shan
Tunnels of Blood by Darren Shan

End of Event Meme

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
  • I must say the worst for me was hour 21 when I realized how close and yet how far away I was from the end.
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
  • I read some absolutely excellent books this time around. The Vampire's Assistant series by Darren Shan were very fast, exciting reads. Big Fish and Dreaming Anastasia were light reads but very beautiful. And anything by Neil Gaiman rocks, but The Sandman series is especially suitable for later in the readathon as it is a graphic novel series.
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
  • I think it went fabulously. It might be nice to have people who are participating sign up the day of the readathon in a Mr. Linky other than the original sign up post. I spent a lot of time clicking on names of people who weren't actually participating. I also missed having mini-challenges in hours 22 and 23; this was the time I needed some light distractions from reading.
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
  • As this was my first time, I obviously can't compare to the past, but I loved the consistent hourly updates on the main blog. And the cheerleaders are awesome!
5. How many books did you read?
  • 8
6. What were the names of the books you read?
  • See above
7. Which book did you enjoy most?
  • Ooooohhh tough call...I think I have to pick the entire Darren Shan series. It was like one big, long movie I was watching.
8. Which did you enjoy least?
  • Stormbreaker, but not because it wasn't good. It was my first book of the day after very little sleep, and I had a hard time focusing because I was so curious as to what was going on online!
9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
  • Come up with some fun comments ahead of time, but still personalize them to the individual blogger if you can as I just think that's more polite.
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
  • I will absolutely participate. I have had so much fun today. It's not often I can take a regular 12 hour day to read, let alone a full 24, and it was wonderful to have an excuse to just indulge myself! I was a Cheerleader, a Mini-Challenge Host, and a Reader this time around, and I would probably do the same next time. This was a wonderful experience for me!


  1. Great job..I want to read Dreaming Anastasia as I am totally gaga over its cover :)

  2. 8 books is great. Well done.The Sandman series is on my wishlist, someday I will read them all :)

    Well done.

  3. I'm glad that you powered through those last few hours! Congrats on reading 8 books! :)

  4. Great job, Trisha!! Maybe I will join you next time around. I just don't think I could stay awake for 24 hours...it would take me weeks to recover! I am betting you are sound asleep right now...sweet dreams!

  5. Well done on the reading!!! 8 books is quite an accomplishment. I loved participating for the hours I was able to do it.

  6. Thanks for coming by and cheering me on yesterday. And I can't believe you managed to cheer and read 8 books.

  7. Looks like you were very successful. Good job!

  8. Thanks for stopping by and cheering me on yesterday!

  9. Shonasbookshelves - It does have a great cover, and the story is even better.

    Violet - Thanks. I definitely recommend the Sandman series, even though I've only read the first three.

    Eva - Thanks. I'm glad I did too.

    Deb - It was so much fun. You really should join me next time around. There's so much to do time just flies.

    Nicole - Thanks.

    Louise - It was definitely fun.

    Michelle - Not a problem at all! Cheering was a lot of fun and a nice break from reading.

    Lola - I'm very happy I met my goals yesterday - 1000 pages and no sleeping for 24 hours!

    Emily - Not a problem. I was happy to do it!

  10. Thank you for visiting my journal and cheering me on.

    Eight books is so impressive - congratulations!

  11. Really great job!! 8 books!!

    I gotta say 21-22 were pretty tough too because I felt like it was almost over and yet there was still so much time. Overall, the day went by much faster than I anticipated.

    Thanks for all the support yesterday!

    Tara SG

  12. Thank you for cheering me on! Almost 1771 pages is awesome, you did great!

  13. I cannot believe what you were able to accomplish. .. and how much you did! Hats off to you! I'm totally totally impressed. And I think you have a good point about having people sign up the day of or the day before the read-a-thon. I heard from others that they had problems finding good links too! Great job! I can't believe you are so coherent!

  14. Great showing in the read-a-thon! Congrats to you! :D

  15. Everyone - Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I really enjoyed the readathon and can't wait for next time. It was great reading all of your blogs, and my Google Reader is definitely suffering because of it.

  16. Michelle - Thanks. I'm already setting my goal at 16 hours next time around. I can't wait for April!


Talk to me baby!