Since Last Update
Minutes Read: 70
Pages Read: 226
Time Blogging: 60 mins
Time Reading: 13 hours 3 mins
Pages Read: 1558
Books Read: 7
Mini-Challenges Completed: 6
Time Blogging: 5 hours 41 mins
Total Comments: 124
Books Read
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
The Sandman: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman
The Vampire's Assistant by Darren Shan
Three Hours Left!
Keep reading! We're almost there!
ReplyDeleteU are doing great. Hang in there..
ReplyDeletehang in there!! only a couple of hours left!! you are doing great!
ReplyDeleteWoot! Woot! well done on your readathon achievements!
ReplyDeleteWe're down to 100 minutes!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlmost there! Hang in there and keep reading!