28 December 2009

I've Got Nothing

I am so late on this. That's the story of my online life - I'm always the last to know.  *deep heaving sigh* Ah, well, what can you do?  At least I found out about this at some point.  Four guys with rather large online fan bases decided to make a music video in the hopes of getting to number 1 on the UK charts.  The lyrics, singers, rhythm, etc. were all the result of YouTube, Twitter, and other social networking sites.

How cool is this?

For more information, head to Alex Day's blog here. A documentary about making the video, which I highly recommend watching is here.

How fun are those four boys?


  1. How cute are they? Also, I doubt you will ever be the last to hear of something. That job is saved for me!

  2. I'll have to look at this when the TV isn't blaring in the background (thanks Hubby)...and I'm with Sandy -- I'm usually unaware of almost everything in the world!

  3. Sandy and Jenners - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who seems to miss stuff. Let's go with the reason being we have unbelievably full personal lives...


Talk to me baby!