26 September 2010

Sunday Salon: Sex is Good

Yesterday was the start of Banned Books Week, a yearly tradition I have been participating in, in one form or another, for six years.

Launched in 1982, BBW - which has a dedicated website - spreads the word about the censorship of books and reminds the public of our need to stay constantly vigilant against oppression by small minded individuals who desire nothing more than to control the rest of us. Okay, so they might not put it in exactly those terms, but I'm a bit biased. I have a very strong dislike that borders on hate for people who try to ban books.

There I've said it. My feelings about this topic are not really logical, practical, or objective; I actually get angry to the point of fantasizing about causing violence. I feel no sympathy for the parents who are "just trying to protect" their children; I don't sympathize with the religious organizations who "just want to protect" the public from sin. Sympathy or empathy are not the primary emotions I have for these people: sadness at the smallness of their minds and pissiness at their unwanted "protective" actions are what I feel. I actually want to bitch slap these people. Does that make me a bad person? Hmmm...

One of the most common reasons books are challenged is *drumroll please* SEX. Shocked? Didn't think so. We've all known for some time that certain people think sex is some dark, dirty, secret act which no one knows about except middle aged married folks. What rock are these people living under? If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that children know about sex, as in the details of how it's accomplished, by the time they are in sixth grade. I'm not saying they have a grasp on foreplay, the emotion involved, the repercussions thereof, the many variations, etc., but they know enough. Once they know how to do it, I think it's very, very important for them to start learning about the whys, the whos, the whens, and the what ifs. But apparently those who want to ban books think we should stop with the how.

This makes no sense whatsoever in my opinion. Knowing the physicality of something is not nearly as important as understanding the mental aspects of it. When teaching someone martial arts, you teach them the moves but you also discuss when and where and why to use those moves. Well, kids know how to perform the act of sex; reading books that include sexual activity may help them understand the important parts.

The other SEX concern is books which include homosexuality. The best part about this - these books don't even need to have naked bits in them; as long as there is the suggestion of homosexuality, the book banning idget's go into manic mode. I'm not even going to spend much time on this point because the idiocy is obvious. And if it's not obvious to you, then you probably shouldn't be reading my blog.

On a side note, the people who want to ban Twilight because of sexual content are killing me. Twilight is this large treatise on why people shouldn't have sex before marriage, about how we have to "control ourselves". I would think that the typical book banner would be fawning all over this.

My goal for Banned Books Week is to read a whole bunch of sex. Lovey-dovey, smutty, sweaty, delicate, deliberate, drunken, romantic, raunchy, and all-in-all pleasurable. I'm going to find some hot man-on-man action, some women with women and not for men's pleasure sexy stuff, some hetero-role-playing-fantasy fun, some first time love joy, whatever I can find that celebrates sexuality.

I'd love it if you would let me know suggestions, or join me in reading and reviewing books that highlight positive sexual relationships.

Some of the Books on the Sex Pile
  1. Deliver Us From Evie by M.E. Karr: butch-on-femme love and girl-on-boy make out session
  2. Annexed by Sharon Dogar: wet dreams and stolen kisses
  3. Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton: uncomplicated hetero sex and possibly hookers
  4. The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson: teenage lesbians
  5. will grayson, will grayson by John Green and David Levithan: boys liking other boys...a lot
  6. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things by Carolyn Mackler: we chunky girls have sex too
  7. Nora Roberts and Elizabeth Lowell: explicit pre-marital sexual encounters
  8. The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex by Kristen Schaal and Rich Blomquist: the title says it all


  1. I'm barely awake yet, so I don't think I'll be very good for suggestions. This year with my 12 year old it has been a period of letting go. No, I'm not encouraging her to read the explicit stuff, because one step at a time. But I am allowing her to read thing that I think she is ready for. The TV shows she watches are addressing homosexuality, teen pregnancy, drugs and date rape, for Pete's sake. Better that she is informed.

  2. The Bermudez Triangle!! That's the one. It's very good.

    I don't have any plans for BBW, actually, but I did post about some banned children's picture books that I read.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Banned Book Week–good luck!

    And I loathe it when book banners get trigger-happy over books with queer content. It's hard enough to find other aces in fiction without them hissing.

  4. I agree with you about talking about issues. Judy Blume is a good one for discussing "banned" subjects for all age levels.

  5. I always feel like, when video games, movies, TV shows, and so on feature sex and violence, why do books get criticized when they do? Books aren't this poisonous vehicle of corruption while the rest of the media out there is pure and innocent.

    I've already picked out a few books to read myself for BBW, or I would definitely join you. Great post!

  6. Great post Trisha! I don't have any suggestions, but I definitely want to look into all of your suggestions!

  7. Mind if I push your envelope a little here? Last year I read a terrific YA novel called David Inside Out by Lee Bantle. It's a coming out story about two boys in love and it features several sex scenes that caused quite a stir in the book-blogosphere.

    I found it all very true to life myself. True to life in a way that was not always flattering to life, but true to it anyway.

  8. In honor of your post and book banners constant focus on "teh gays," I'm going to make my blog all gay, all the time this week. Which day were you planning on posting about Deliver Us From Evie? I'll post about it then, too.

  9. Great graphics to go with your take on BBW.

  10. Love, love, love how you handled this topic. And your book choices spiked my curiosity. (Oh, and I haven't been blogging much, or else I'd give a shout out thank you over there, but a huge thank you here for sending the Sarte book).

    CB - I'm adding David Inside Out to my que as well.

  11. Yeh! Banned Books Week celebrates Sex! Love it! Although sex wasn't on my mind (ok, I did post about Brokeback Mountain) I'm taking up another book for my BBW challenge reading... The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things by Carolyn Mackler. I loved the title when I saw it, and now It's going into the "pile"! Thanks for the great reading list! I'm celebrating all week long on my blog too! Can't get enough of these banned books!


  12. Sandy - I've always believed that information is the best thing possible. I have limits of course - Madonna's Sex book or porn - may be a bit much for kids, but most of the books people want to ban are so tame.

    Amanda - I just finished The Bermudez Triangle, and I thought it was wonderful. It's what I thought Of All the Stupid Things was going to be like.

    Clare - I'm excited. I've already started, and it's kind of fun to read sexually positive books.

    Jill - I was really hoping to get Forever, but my library doesn't have a copy. I may have to go buy it.

    Erin - Exactly! I would think books would be less likely to get the negative attention, but it seems that sex on tv is just fine but not in books.

    Stephanie - I've already read a few fun ones that I'll be recommending.

    C.B. - Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely look for it.

    Cass - All gay, all the time! I love it! I have Deliver Us From Evie scheduled for Tuesday. Can't wait to read your thoughts!

    Sherry - It was fun looking for those pictures! I typed in happy sex and laughing in bed and got these wonderful images.

    Christina - No problem! I hope you enjoy it.

    Suzanne - My librarian actually suggested that one and I can't wait to read it.

  13. Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series will make you gasp aloud. Anita's paranormal powers must be "fed" with sex every so many hours or they take control. Anita keeps a trusted group of men with her at all times to make sure she doesn't forget. The scenes between she and her actual lovers are jump off the page hot. Oh my, I sound like such a tart, don't I :)

  14. I can't think of any better way to celebrate BBW than to invest in a few decent bottles of wine and read some good hot, raunchy books. I look forward to seeing the suggestions you get.

  15. Peppermint - I didn't even think of Anita Blake, but that is a great choice for unapologetic sex!

    Stephanie - Wine and sexy books sounds perfect!

  16. I have no recommendations but loved the post and yay for BBW!!!

  17. I love this post! I definitely agree that many book banners don't read the books they want ban like Twilight. Will Grayson, Will Grayson is a great book though I don't remember any sex. The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second by Drew Ferguson is a YA boy-likes-boy book which has a hilarious sex scene. Maybe I'll re-read it this week!

  18. Personally, I love my books with lots of steamy sex in them. Maybe I really SHOULD be reading more romance novels ...

    Great idea for themed reading - I'm loving the reviews you've posted so far. :)

  19. I love this idea for Banned Books Week. I ahven't read any books on the list, but I imagine the sex in them really isn't as bad as the ban advocates would make it out to be.

    The Wave got here in the mail today - thank you!

  20. Sheila - I think BBW is so important to get information out there about the idiocy of banning books!

    Vasilly - I'll put off Will Grayson if there's no sex, at least no memorable stuff. :) I will add Charlie the Second to my wish list!

    Heather - Who doesn't like steamy sex!?!?! I've read every Nora Roberts book there is just for the sexy sexy.

    Kim - The sex in my first two was very very tame. Now my third one was adult paranormal with some very explicit sex in it. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Wave!

  21. Yay for you! Sex is good! Twilight is amazingly tame! Book banners are idgets!

  22. I so love your plan for the week. And that last book mentioned and it's title? Oh god, can't wit. hahaha

  23. You are just TOO COOL. Love your 'theme' for BBW - enjoy!

  24. Just love it all.The most sexy erotic book this Christmas has got to be Amazon/Kindle, highly talked about e-book Pre-publication issue of Ben Bella Books John Coventry’s I was, I am, I will be. This is really a book with shattering evidence about the dubious workings of our intelligence services. But I was more than heartened by the shear erotic sex in this book. This will make you sweat.!! But it does not stop there, the sweating sex is added to by the chapters of beautiful girls and torture. A really great read.

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