02 October 2010

Reading Report: Coming in the Homestretch

Once again, it's time to look at where I'm at in the wonderful world of books. The end of the third quarter is a bittersweet time for me. Only three months left until the new year...only three months left to finish all of those challenges and do some "serious" reading so it doesn't look like you read nothing but brain candy. :)

I must say that this year is not quite as stressful as past years since I finally started keeping track of stats on a book by book basis instead of figuring it all out in December.

The big realization this quarter is that I have already read 108 books. Last year I read 112, so if I just read five more books this year, I will beat last year's stats. Not that it's a yearly competition or anything....okay, I admit it. I'm trying to read more every year; I don't know why, but total books really brings out my competitive side. With myself anyway - I have no desire to beat those 200+ a year people. Anyway, here are the numbers:

Books Read108 Pages Read28510 A28
New Books100 Re-reads8 B32
Fiction90 Non-Fiction18 C48
A, B, and C = Books are not all equal for the brain. That may get me thrown out of the club here, but I just can't hold that YAL SFF (my favorite genre by the way) equals James Joyce's Ulysses as far as the brain goes. Enjoyment, worth, relevancy, etc. absolutely, but not for challenging your mind. So I have the ABC category now. Books are placed into the category through a combination of intellectual stimulation and difficulty of comprehension; the placement is, of course, entirely relative to me, and my placement may not be the same as your placement. But there you have it. As are the most thought-provoking/difficult and Cs are the least.

Male55 Female53
Alive97 Dead11
New To Me66
2+ Books/Author10 2+ Non-Series2
I added in the New to Me category because I'd never really thought about it before. I've always been more of a book person than an author person (excluding Neil Gaiman whom I adore). Unsurprisingly, I read primarily new authors, rarely reading multiple works by the same person in a year. I only read 10 authors more than once, mostly because I was reading a series of books.

Age Adult55 YA52 Children1
Format Novels76 Short Stories8 Plays4
Graphic Novels14 Epistolary1Misc.5
Source Bought52 Borrowed / Library7 Gift/Win/Free13
Swap Site8 Review Copy16 BEA12
I'm still at 50-50 with adult and YA which I'm perfectly fine with; and unsurprisingly, I primarily read novels.  Clearly I need to buy less books.  Just...yeah.  

Fiction Non-Fiction
Science Fiction15 Memoirs7
Fantasy41 Biographies0
Historical Fiction7 Cultural Studies5
Mystery-Thriller1 Essays2
Realistic Fiction22 Narrative Nonfiction2
Romance5 History1

January12 July17
February11 August10
March10 September16
April14 October0
May8 November0
June10 December0

I *heart * CHALLENGES Seriously, I love them. I am addicted to them. I base reading off of them. I get a perverse thrill when a book counts for more than one challenge. And I am also overwhelmed by keeping organized.  Slowly but surely I am crawling out from under a pile of challenges. Here's the lowdown:

Over and Done
Once Upon a Time: 14/unlimited
Sookie Stackhouse: 9/10
1930s Mini-Challenge: 1/1
Sci-Fi Reading: 13/8
Non-Fiction Five: 12/5 
101 Fantasy Reading: 15/12
Women UnBound: 22/8
Flashback Challenge: 7/6

Completed but Still Going On
Young Adult Reading: 46/25
Read the Book, See the Movie: 10/10
Graphic Novels Challenge:14/10
GLBT Challenge: 21/12

Still Plugging Along
R.I.P. V: End Date 10/31; Current Stats 2/4 (books) and 0/? (movies)
Hogwarts Reading Challenge: End Date 12/13; Current Stats 267/?
18 and 19 c. Women Writers: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/2
TBR Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/12
World Religions: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 7/?
42 Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 26/42
Take Another Chance: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 8/12
Books to Read Before I Die: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/10
Really Old Classics Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 0/4
100+ Reading: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 108/100

And finally, my favorite reads so far this year:

So how are all of you doing as we head into the homestretch?


  1. YES Stats are so much easier when you track them from the beginning! I tried to go back in June to figure out how many non-new-to-me authors I'd read and gave up after awhile! :D Maybe I'll do that next year. :D

  2. Ah, I never bothered keeping stats so I think I'll start next year. If I feel up for it then. I like looking at other people's stats, but I'm a bit lazy when it comes to keeping track of my own reading.

  3. Wow, that is a LOT of challenges! I love all the stats you track, especially the author ones. I don't currently track anything but which books I read, but I'd like to change that. All the end-of-the-month posts are giving me inspiration!

    I tend to be a book person too. I don't think there's any author I'll read just because it was written by him/her. So, most authors end up being new to me as well.

    I'm curious, if I may ask...how do you keep track of everything? One gigantic spreadsheet?

  4. You not only read a lot of books, you're scary organized, too!

  5. I am totally impressed! Now only have you read an amazing amount of books, but you are so organized! I love the way you tracked everything! It inspires me to start doing this myself!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm always impressed with your stat reporting. I have no clue on anything but how many I have read. I always get jacked up over challenges in the beginning, but by the end of the year I HATE them. They are holding me down. Next year I just want to be left alone to read what I want! You are having a great year!

  7. I love how organized your stats are! I realized this morning that I haven't been doing a good job keeping up with the number of books I've read this year, so I spent the majority of the morning tracking down all that I read. :-( Lesson learned. Right now I'm at 145 books read so far this year. I'm nowhere near last year's number but that's okay. It'll be fun to catch up! ;-)

  8. Oy. i don't keep statstics like that on my reading and I'm impressed that you do! How am I doing? Hopelessly, hopelessly behind- as always!

  9. Some of your faves are my faves too! I wish I had that cover for Manhood for Amateurs.

    And this is the first year I'm going to make 100 books (fingers crossed ... I only have 6 more to go to get there.) I find myself wanting to stop challenges just 1 or 2 books short though. (Well, basically, I don't want to read the Autobiography of Malcolm X just to get an X author.)

    Love your diversity. You live up to your blog title for sure!

  10. I heart challenges as well even if I don't finish half of the ones that I start :) I really like how you are keeping track and I'll echo everyone in saying how organized you are! You're doing great on the number of books read..I'm nowhere near where I was last year and sadly it doesn't look like I'm going to come close. There is always next year though ;)

  11. Keep this up and you'll be one of those 200+ people sooner than you think. :)

    I love your categories and might have to borrow them for my own statistical needs ... which are in need of some updating.

    I'm only at book #50 for the year, but I'm OK with that because last year's total was 56. Completely understand about your competition with yourself about wanting to increase the number of books you read. I'm the same way.

  12. It makes me happy to see Dorian in that final group!

  13. "I get a perverse thrill when a book counts for more than one challenge."

    Hehe. Yeah, there's something really wrong with how fun that feels: agreed!

  14. I seriously LOVE your stats. I think I've mentioned that before :) You keep the best numbers.

  15. Amanda - With how many books you read, I can totally see how backtracking like that would be really frustrating!

    Iris - I never used to do it, and now it's become part of the fun of reading, part of my after-reading process.

    Erin - It's all tracked in Excel in one file over three spreadsheets (one for genre/author info, one for source stuff, and one for totals). Every year I modify it just a bit for different info and the such not.

    Alex - lol! It's a bit of a struggle; I'm naturally more of a laid-back, non-linear, non-numbers type person, but tracking what I'm reading is rather therapeutic for some reason.

    Suzanne - I really enjoy knowing all of this info about what I'm reading, so I recommend everyone start doing it. :)

    Sandy - I have to admit that I'm a book-before-challenge girl. I read whatever I want and then figure out which challenges it counts for. Rarely do I look at the challenge and then try to figure out what book I should be reading. It helps.

    Vasilly - It's been so much easier since I started filling out the spreadsheet immediately after finishing the book!

    Marie - When it comes to reading, I always feel behind. So many books, so little time.

    Jenners - I can completely understand that; I don't like (and actually refuse to) force myself to read books that don't strike my fancy at that particular moment. I don't want my blog or reading to feel like a job (especially since I'm not getting paid :D )

    Samantha - I'm not sure I'll get through all of my challenges this year either! Ah well, what can you do?

    Melissa - I don't think I'll ever get much over 100-120 books per year. I don't have the time (or the desire really). And feel free to take whatever you'd like of my categories!

    Jill - I just adored that book; that's why I chose it for my Intro to Lit class!

    Buried in Print - It's such a great feeling!

    Amy - Thanks! I enjoy doing it for some weird reason. I still think I need a more attractive way to display my numbers though. :)

  16. Yay book stats! I just put mine up today. I've read 80 books this year, which is already way more than I read last year. I sort of feel the pull of reading more books, too.

  17. I agree with Amanda! I started keep track of all my stats but then fell off the horse. I'm hoping that I'll be more disciplined next year. I really like being able to see where I've been.

  18. Trisha, come on over - I have coffee and chocolate, I just want you to organize my reading like this :)

    On a completely random note - the Thumbing through Thoreau thing I signed on to do with you... just now showed up in my Google Docs as "New" and dated in August.... good grief. :)

  19. hi! I was checking back here to see your reply to my comment and my comment is gone? But now of course I don't know what I said so anyhow.... Great challenge progress! :)

  20. Ohh Fables is definitely on my favorites list too. So much goodness.

  21. You have some charts baby! As for my reading analytics...I suck big time at keeping these records. I fell down in the 1st quarter. If I have time before the new year, I'll see if I can catch up.
    You are doing pretty well, my friend. Great job.


Talk to me baby!