21 November 2010

Talking to Your Kids About Star Wars

We interrupt the regularly scheduled programming - Echoes of Man - to bring you this very special public service announcement:

You’re watching Talking to Your Kids About Star Wars. See the Web's top videos on AOL Video

Big thanks to my boss, Mark, for pointing out this important video.


  1. Oh, that was the PERFECT way to start my Sunday! My son and I watched it and were laughing our butts off. He, of course, was quite the fan of Star Wars back in the day. The scary thing is that this probably isn't too far from reality in some homes!

  2. This is great. But the baby's hat is the total best!

  3. This video's brilliant! I've got friends who are (like me) giant nerds, and who are also having a baby... I am going to have to see if I can find a pattern for that yoda hat!

  4. Just love this video! I've known sports nuts who begin to teach their sons the players on the teams with sports cards, kind of like teaching them with flash cards-- this is brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh My Goodness ... I am dying laughing over here. And as we've somehow managed to raise a Star Wars fan without being too knowledgeable ourselves, we need this kind of information and guidance.


Talk to me baby!