05 May 2011

The Indie Lit Awards Update

Over at the Indie Lit Awards, Wallace has added a Mr. Linky on every genre's page to enable bloggers in those categories to add their websites to the list of bloggers who are able and wanting to accept books for review that are being released in their specific genres in the year 2011. If you are interested in reading and reviewing new releases, you should definitely head on over and add your blog to the list!

In other Indie Lit news, I wanted to remind everyone to suggest titles for 2011 Speculative Fiction releases. I am woefully behind on reading in this category, but once the semester is over I plan on digging in and reading as many as I can! If you own any of the books on the list (or any 2011 Spec Fic books) and are willing to lend them out, please send me an email. I would love to set up a Spec Fic Swap!

In the meantime, keep reading those horror/paranormal/dystopian/steampunk/science fiction/fantasy/alternate history/etc. etc. etc. new releases!!


  1. Thanks for posting this! I'm really interested in getting involved!

  2. Ooh, thanks for letting us know about this!!


Talk to me baby!