07 May 2011

Waffling Through Challenges

I have been highly remiss with challenges this year. I, of course, signed up, but I quickly lost interest once I started jumping in on all these wonderful read-a-longs in the blogosphere. I actually haven't paid a bit of attention to what challenges I am in and whether or not the books I am reading count for any of them for months. So I figured it was time to get my act in gear and figure out where I stand.

Not as bad as I expected. Looks like about 55 books to go though, so uh, maybe it is pretty bad. On the other hand, I am doing pretty well with readalongs and review copies.


  1. I boycotted challenges this year. They stress me out. Instead I've been reading what I want, reading from my shelves, and I've been having a ball. I AM reading a Western for James' thing, but that is only one book. I have a perpetual Amy Einhorn challenge, but there are no goals for that one. So I say do what makes you happy. To hell with the challenges!

  2. Like Sandy I stopped doing challenges. I can't keep track of them and then I feel like a great big FAIL at the end of the year. :) Glad you're more organized than I am.

  3. Good luck catching up :) I'm with Sandy -- challenges stress me out, so I skipped most of them.

  4. How odd - I posted about my progress on reading challenges today, too.

    I only took on a few, and one of them is a perpetual challenge, so I'm doing okay. The ones that you have chosen are so specific that I think they might bring on too much stress. I think the fact that you've not been thinking about it too hard might be the key to getting it all done.

  5. You have done really well with 2011 - I am doing that one too and I think I have only read 2-4 of the required 17. I guess the point of a challenge is that they are supposed to be difficult and not a slam dunk!

  6. That's not very bad at all, Trisha!

    I'm not doing many challenges as I feel ruled too much already by all the reading groups (RL and online), ARCs and other books that I *have* to read.

    The dystopia challenge needs a few more books from you, though! I did one last year and managed it (20 books in 3 months or so - as I joined late).

  7. I was just thinking about how well I'm doing on reading challenges. I suspect I'm doing pretty badly in all but the Graphic Novels Challenge. *sigh* It's a good thing that we have the rest of the year to catch up.

  8. As far as the Tkae A chance challenge, you could find the books using the methods described but borrow them from the library if you want. But mo pressure!!! I kept my challenges light this year as I tend to lose my enthusiasm at some point but still feel obligated to continue, which is just silly!

  9. I'm signed up for 3 and the only one I have made any progress on is the Victorian Lit challenge. I fail.

    I'm having more fun hosting readalongs and reading for fun than adhering to my challenge lists.

  10. I have no idea about the current state of mine, and I'm almost afraid to look :P

  11. You're doing better on challenges than I am!! I am pretty much giving up on challenges for the time being.

  12. Sandy - I am definitely coming over to that way of thinking.

    Christina - I used to love them, but anymore I am feeling overwhelmed.

    Kim - Yeah, my feelings are definitely changing.

    Cassandra - Great minds think alike!

    Colleen - :) I do need to remember that the word is challenge!

    Judith - It's the ARCs and readalongs that are cutting into my typical challenge obsession.

    Vasilly - Exactly! I tried to sign up for challenges that were a full year long!

    Jenners - If only the library and I had a better relationship. :)

    Allie - The readalongs this year are definitely more appealing to me too!

    Ana - LOL! I was too! But my I was getting nervous twitches from not knowing.

    Stephanie - It's not a bad idea to just give up I'm thinking. Or at least to not worry so much about them.

  13. I updated my challenge page this morning. Not doing so hot in any of mine, so I'm envious of your advanced status on some of these!!!


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