29 November 2011

Attack of The Man

Some of you may remember when I made a post way back in March titled "A Spammer I Want to Smack". The post was in response to a spammer who was posting comments calling for men to boycott American women because they are "the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc." Apparently, the behavior of American women is "utterly disgusting, to say the least".

He's baaaackkk....

I just found a comment from him in my spam folder, and despite the fact that I just want this asshat to go away, I can't help but share his idiocy with you. The comment he left:

OH HOW CUTE! POOR WITTLE BABY IS UPSET BECAUSE MEN ARE BOYCOTTING HER!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Over 50 percent of American women are single, without a boyfriend or husband, so the fact is, MOST MEN DO NOT WANT YOU WORTHLESS AMERICAN WHORES ANYMORE! You still have two options though:

1. become a lesbian or 2. get used to living alone with your ten cats


As for us American men, we are sick of you and millions of us are marrying foreign women. I married a nice young asian girl, and I would NEVER even think about touching one of you disgusting American women ever again. Asian women are 1000 times better than you, this is why so many American guys are rejecting you and going for asian women. Have fun growing old alone with your 10 cats, whore.

John Rambo
I. Cannot. Stop. Laughing. While the first comment I received had me all up in arms and angry, this comment is just too funny! There's so much to say where do I even begin? You know what? I don't think I have to say anything. His idiocy speaks for itself. I will leave with this again though:

And this is the last time I will put anything up about this extreme WTFery I promise.


  1. See, the humor would probably have been lost on me because I don't read any of those spam messages. See the fun I've been missing? I would give twenty bucks to see a picture of this guy. Methinks there is a very good reason why he hates American women!!!!!

  2. Laughing is probably the best sanity-keeping reaction. SO icky, on so many levels :S

  3. Icky is a very nice word for it...I love that flying bitchslap kitty!! I keep it saved on my laptop for only the most perfect situations :)

  4. *confers* After meeting with the Order of People with Male Genitalia, we've come to a vote. I believe we're going to have to revoke his Maleness License. We didn't come to this decision lightly, but I believe its the right decision. We are now voting on what order to move him to. We tried caveman, but the caveman wouldn't have him.

  5. What an ass! I think a flying bitchslap is perfect for this nut! ;-)

  6. WOW! I need to start checking my spam folder more carefully.

  7. Your description of asshat is very apt. I think this Mr. Rambo dude has some serious issues, not to mention the fact that he has absolutely no tact or grace whatsoever. I am glad that his messages go straight to the spam filter. He is becoming a nuisance.

  8. But what if I want to become a single lesbian with ten cats? What then?!

  9. I'm surprised he can construct a sentence. You're upset because men are boycotting you? Um, where did he get that info? Last I heard you were very married and very pregnant.

  10. LOL! I didn't even know about his guy but he sounds soooo pathetic. Love the pic.

  11. Geez, someone's a little bitter over a breakup. Or because he can't get a date. Hmmm...I wonder why.

  12. Thanks for sharing!! This was worth a good laugh or two … or three … or four.

  13. Is this for freaking real? I think it's kind of sad. This crazy asshat has seriously never found a woman who was willing to go out with him. And he doesn't have any worthwhile hobbies.

  14. LOL that is terrible but wow. It's so beyond that it's funny.

  15. So much I just can't say. Asshat is a great word. and I am becoming fond of WTFery.

  16. hahaha thanks for the laugh. I'm guessing his nice young Asian girl didn't get to meet him before she became legally or financially bound to him. She's probably plotting ways to get rid of him now.

  17. Bree -"I'm guessing his nice young Asian girl didn't get to meet him before she became legally or financially bound to him. She's probably plotting ways to get rid of him now." Nice guessing, but this is YOUR thinking, bitch. You're projecting your disgusting Yankee-bitch mindset onto someone who's probably ten times more worthy than YOU.


Talk to me baby!