26 March 2012

Tag! Jenners Shall Not Win!

Yet again, I've been tagged by Jenners. Let the games begin...er...continue. I Shall Prevail!
  • Have you ever thought of giving up blogging? Just this past month I thought about it. With the Nutter taking up so much of my time, I considered deleting the blog since I wouldn't be able to put so much time into it. Then I figured..what's the big deal if there's only a post or two a week?
  • Would you rather cough butterflies or sneeze rainbows? (I heard this on my son’s radio show so don’t blame me.) Are you kidding? Sneeze rainbows for sure.
  • What book/s being released this year are you most looking forward to reading? There are books being released this year? :) I'm terrible about keeping up on new releases, but off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure a new Alexia Tarrabotti novel is coming out. Gotta love that Parasol Protectorate.
  • What surprised you most about becoming a mother? Even though you know on some level that babies are a lot of work, it's still quite surprising how very very much work they are. She's just so freaking needy...
  • Which do you prefer: dogs or cats? Snakes.
  • What is the last movie that made you cry? Considering I've been rather hormonal for months now, I cry at commercials. For real cry though would be Schindler's List.
  • What is the last book that made you laugh? Ready Player One by Ernest Cline!
  • Would you rather spend a week in New York City or a week in the mountains in Colorado? Definitely the mountains. I'm a big fan of hiking and climbing and in general playing outside in woodsy mountainy areas. And since I live in the middle of farm-centered flatlands, I rarely get to do it.
  • Can you quit a book you’re not enjoying? If so, what is your secret? I never could until a few years ago. Once I started blogging, it really hit me how many books there are out there to read. Why waste time?
  • How are you liking 11/22/63 by Stephen King? (I see you are reading it now or soon will be.) Good stuff baby. Time travel, conspiracy theories, mixing fact and fiction: these are all things I like.
  • Do you think you will stop and not answer these questions so I can be the winner of our little game of tag chicken? Never. This game shall go on until you cry uncle. Now cry uncle.

The 11 Questions that Will Make Jenners Cry Uncle
  • If you had to devise your own system of torture, what would it be?
  • Panty Hose: Damn my legs look awesome or Damn that's uncomfortable?
  • Is it better to tell your child there is no monster in the closet or that the monster is a friendly one (or you know, the third option: that it really is there and it really does want to eat you?)?
  • Are jeggings acceptable in public?
  • What is the most destructive thing you have ever done to a book?
  • What are your thoughts on cliffhanger endings?
  • Paranoid People: Crazy or Smarter than the rest of us?
  • What would be the most awesome thing about living in the Old West?
  • What's more annoying: people who apologize all the time or people who never apologize?
  • What's the best book for a new mother to read (is asking for real advice cheating?)?
  • How long do you think we can keep this up?


  1. Ha ha, in your questions for Jenners, looks like 1 and 2 are redundant!

    And good luck - may the longest hold out win!

  2. This is the best thing! I love this little question war that is going on between you and Jenners, and can't wait to see how long it lasts. By the way, your questions this time around are totally inspired. I can't wait to see her answers!

  3. Funny! I'm glad you're not deleting your blog. Whenever you can post is good, and I will be excited to read it :)

  4. You know, if you delete your blog, then I become the winner!!!! HAHAHAHA! Just your stubborn refusal to let me win this game will keep this blog alive … unless, you know, you feel you must give in. This is all a way of saying that I won't be crying uncle.

    Babies are much much much much more work than I gave them credit for. I was stunned actually. All my fantasy daydreams went out the window when I actually got home with my son. Hang in there though … it does get easier. I promise.

    And snakes???!! Snakes???!!!

  5. The questions are getting eviler and eviler.

  6. LOL! I love that you guys are taking this so personally.

  7. Yay Trisha, so glad you answered! This is great fun to 'watch' and to read yours and Jenners answers to the questions. And the questions are getting bizarre & more fun.

    By the way, I'm glad you didn't delete your blog and decided to post when you can...great choice!

  8. Snakes! Good answer. I would have said Guinea Pigs. :D

  9. Buhahaha :) Love your answers and your set of questions. I'm rooting for you!


Talk to me baby!