12 May 2012

A Note to You

Obviously, I have been rather absent these past four months, posting irregularly, commenting rarely. The arrival of my little Madinut really threw me for a loop, and I haven't had the hours and hours of reading and blogging time I so very much under-appreciated prior to the whole baby thing. My little nutter is not a long-napper, rarely sleeping for more than 20 minutes at a time during the day, and when she's awake, I'm playing with her, walking with her, talking with her, and in general entertaining her ADD self.

I did want to drop you all a line (all of you still reading anyway) and let you know two things: 1) I am reading and loving the comments you leave on the posts I do put up and 2) I am still totally reading your blogs even if I'm not commenting. As a matter of fact, I've only had to hit the Mark All as Read button twice. Other than that, I've been reading your awesome book reviews, Sunday Salons, and discussion posts with extreme jealousy that you have the time to be so creative and intellectual.

I do get some reading in from time to time. Recently I finished Joe Haldeman's The Forever War which I thought absolutely rocked. And I'm in the middle of One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus - which I am also loving. Reading has changed drastically for me as I have to catch moments here and there instead of sitting down and powering through a book in a single sitting like I used to...ahhh, those were the days. Seriously I miss those days. I do love my baby nut though. I mean, look at her...she's awesome.

I figure someday she will learn how to entertain herself, and then I will be able to get my shit together and start posting regularly again. Or you know, winter will come around again, and then my farmer husband will be able to take over for me at 5pm instead of 8pm. And maybe one day she'll go to bed earlier than 10pm (although the 10pm thing is partially my fault since I would rather she stay up late and sleep in....Trisha doesn't do 5am).

Until then, I apologize for the serious lack of sociability on my part.


  1. You definitely have your priorities in line. Nothing we are doing out here even comes close to that sweet little nutter you have there. There are days when I even wonder if what I am doing is worth it. Just banging my head against the wall sometimes. I will tell you (as I'm sure you have never heard this before - ha!) that you are going to blink and this baby girl will be 14 and won't come out of her room for hours, and will not want to breathe the same air as you. She will want to make her own meals because you won't make the right things, she will not want help with homework, and will be content to totally occupy herself. That is when you will have lots of time to blog and read! Seriously there are times when I have to beg my kids to do something with me! Treasure every second.

    1. It's really not fair that they are so in to you in the beginning and then so not in to you later. :)

  2. Eh, no need to apologize! We all completely understand. :) It takes time. I remember after Morrigan was born, I decided I wouldn't have freedom again until he was 5 and starting school. It was a very despairing thought. Later I learned that I got a certain amount of freedom back around 18 months (the line of survival for me - I always said I just had to make it that long), then another new amount after they hit 3. You'll make it. :)

    1. Starting the countdown to 18 months now.... :)

  3. Agree with Sandy (who obviously is not into the 14 year old stage - LOL) I can't wait to see your review of the Haldeman; I read it and was disappointed, although I don't remember why except that it was touted as one of the best scifis of all time, and so that sort of raised my expectations...

    1. High expectations can certainly ruin a book. I knew nothing about it going in, and I was impressed by the strange time-travel problem. I wish he would have done more with that actually.

  4. She's so adorable and looks like a lot of fun :o)! I'm impressed you're reading books other than Goodnight Moon or Frog and Toad are Friends!

    Happy Mom's Day!

    1. We don't read too many children's books right now. She's too easily distracted, and I won't do it at night. I don't like the idea of associating reading with sleep.

  5. Every mom that reads your blog understands this perfectly. :) I didn't start reading again really until Z was 3 and went to preschool for 2 hours a day. And we did the late night/late morning schedule too -- no shame in that! Now everyone complains that they have kids that get up at 6am but an early morning for him (and us) when we don't have to get up for work/school is about 9am. I don't know if we made him a night owl or if it was genetically predetermined but it makes us very happy! Have a very happy first Mother's Day tomorrow with your darling Madinut. :)

    1. The sad part is that I think she's a natural morning person. She's just so freaking happy and cute in the morning. But I must admit we are working on this. :)

  6. I don't have kids but I have plenty of nieces and nephews to know how crazy it is. You're doing something far more important anyway. ;) *hugs*

    1. Kids certainly change things. I like to think it's more important. :)

  7. What Sandy said. I remember after my twins were born that I seriously grieved the loss of my "me" time, which of course included time to read uninterrupted. In fact, I remember having a discussion with a friend (then a new mother, before I wasn't) and being worried that I would never have a moment to myself again. She said, "It comes back." And she's right. It does. But ... but. Until then? Enjoy every minute.

    That DOESN'T come back.

    1. I keep reminding myself that I will miss this stage later. She's just so freaking adorable sometimes.

  8. I'm amazed how much you've managed to do since she arrived. Babies have a way of turning your life upside down and inside out. No parent appreciated how much time they had before because it seems inconceviable how much time they do take up. It does get better … but not for awhile I hate to tell you. Hang in there … she is adorable!!!

    1. She's a serious time suck. But I do kinda like it. When she smiles that goofy grin, you can almost forget about all the other faces she makes...the scrunchy face which precedes crying being the main one....

  9. You'll never regret time spent with baby. And, trust me, it goes fast. Enjoy!

  10. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt! :) Take care of yourself and know that we love ya, are happy for ya, and it does get easier to read. :D

    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Oh dear Trisha--do not apologize. Want to know why I have so many cooking posts lately? Because it seems to be the only thing that I can get done when Elle's around. If I sit down to my computer then she'll throw my bill files on the floor (where they still are right now...from weeks ago) or the books come off the bookshelf or most recently she'll race to the stairs and climb all the way up. Yup, cooking while she's eating her dinner.

    We do put her down at 7:30, though, and this is a blessing as I completely get to decompress at 8 until 9:30 when I go to bed. Yay for 1.5 hours! Most of which is spent watching TV.

    Happy mother's day Trisha!! That Madinut sure is a beautiful baby!

  12. No apologizes needed! We all understand. I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

  13. Dude. You have a baby. No one expects you to be social! She's so adorable; I would totally spend all my time with her, too! It's too bad you don't live closer. You could come to my baby storytime at the library and we could talk books in between singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." :)

  14. Take your time with your gorgeous little girl. Things will get easier. I am finding that I have nothing but time now because my teenager has regressed so that if he puts himself on the couch in the morning, he will still be there hours later as long as the Xbox is on. Enjoy your interactions because each new stage brings new steps and new changes. We will still be here whenever you do have something to share with us.

  15. Trisha - you are right, she is so cute! Enjoy your time with her!

  16. Enjoy the time you have with her, you'll get your reading time back when she goes to school ;)

    or you could forget about some of your chores, like I did.


Talk to me baby!