02 June 2012

Round 5 of Tag with Jenners

Welcome to Round 5 of TAG! Jenners and I have been going at this for three months now with no signs of stopping. We are kicking this game's ass ladies and gentlemen. Without further ado, here are my answers to Jenners questions:

Who is your celebrity crush? That's a tough one. I really don't have a specific person I am in infatuation with. I do have a soft spot for these hotties though: 

  • Who is your literary crush (author or character)? I have the same problem here as the first question. I'm a moody person when it comes to crushes, my desires shifting with the wind and the such not...but here are a few I wouldn't mind being locked in a dark room with (with which I wouldn't mind being locked in a dark room...):

Eric from Sookie Stackhouse series
yes, even in the book; although Mr. Hotness here from the tv series 
makes my blood get all hot and my skin all itchy

I won't lie...I wouldn't mind being in a room with Neil Gaiman and his wife Amanda Palmer... 
Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer

  • What was the last song that you couldn’t get out of your head? (And I curse you in advance for putting it in mine.) "The hills are alive with the sound of music." But that's the only line I know, so it's pretty annoying. I just sing that one line over and over and over again.
  • What percentage of your wardrobe is composed of novelty t-shirts? 0% I know, right? I wish I had more t-shirts, but the only t-shirts I own, I wear to sleep, and they are primarily cast-offs from my husband.
  • Which came first — the chicken or the egg? (You knew this was coming. I just got to it first.) The egg. It's round and shiny and the all mighty creator (aka The Flying Spaghetti Monster) would have started with that instead of the fuzzy ugly chicken.
  • Would your rather have a job you love that only pays minimum wage or a job you hate that pays millions of dollars a year? I'm already a teacher so I clearly chose the minimum wage job. And I totally could have landed a million dollar a year job. I'm that awesome. For sure. Yeah.
  • Do you suspect, as I do, that Ryan Seacrest is planning to take over the world? Absolutely. But I don't think we have to worry until the rottenness of Seacrest, Snookie, and some random Kardashian converge. The monster that meshing will create is a force which cannot be reckoned with.
  • What are five words that rhyme with “kumquat”? magic, apple, brown cow, lilliputian, and booger.
  • What is the first full sentence on p. 16 of the book you are currently reading? I'm actually reading The Day the World Ends by Ethan Coen which is a collection of poems, and the one on page 16 is a bit racy to print here. :)
  • If a train leaves Pittsburgh traveling 45 mph at 10:00 am on May 14th and another train leaves Cleveland traveling 35 mph at 9:52 am on May 13th, what size coffee did the conductor order at Starbucks on his way to work on May 11th? A trenta sugar-free non-fat vanilla soy double shot extra pump no foam White Chocolate Mocha with light whip. And biscotti.
  • What are the titles of any books on your shelves that you skip over every single time you go to choose your next read? Every single one over 500 pages long. So sad.
And now, Jenners' new questions:
  1. Who is your most inappropriate crush?
  2. Is it more awesome to be good at Trivial Pursuit or Chess?
  3. Being attracted to anime characters: amusing or creepy?
  4. What game do kids or teens play that you think adults should play as well?
  5. Sexual bribery between spouses: a good way to get out of a chore or an immoral act of the lazy?
  6. What is your favorite part of the body?
  7. If you could learn how to do anything, what would you learn to do?
  8. Which is more disgusting: smelly poopy diapers or massive baby puke?
  9. If you could inhabit a celebrity's body for the day, who would you choose?
  10. What book do you wish would just magically enter your mind so you didn't have to put forth the effort to read it?
  11. Where is Waldo?


  1. I'm still staring at that picture of Gaiman and his wife...

    And I know you are in baby mode, so not sure if you have been to the movies lately, but check out some visuals of Chris Hemsworth. With his shirt off. Just do it.

  2. Your answers are just fabulous! Especially love the rhymes with kumquat and the math question answer! You guys get better the more you carry it on!

  3. These are too funny, always love following along. I have to say, I have a new (minor) celebrity crush and I am really upset with the internets for having NO INFORMATION on if he is single. HOW do I know if it's worth stalking him? Like really though? ;) (Cle Bennett, if you're interested. Yum. Especially in the play I saw him in, dressed as a cop. lol)

  4. I so enjoyed reading these this morning over coffee.

  5. The two of you are a laugh riot. For real.

    My greater than 500 page books are oft neglected, too. They don't fit in my purse right, and when they do, my back isn't a big fan of them. Plus, there's the whole they would take me, like, half a year to read thing...um...each. So, like two books read in a year, that's good for the book blogger, right? Well, I wouldn't get behind on my reviews, I guess.... :P

  6. Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer - Yes. Just yes.

  7. You guys are having WAY too much fun! ;)

  8. Ok … wow… Neil Gaiman and what's her name. Wow. I thought he was goofy looking but I don't think that now. : )

    Good answers on the kumquat. And the Starbucks. (Though it is clear to me you know WAY too much about ordering coffee.)

    I'm so happy to get my new questions!! I've been struggling for post ideas and this game helps tremendously!

  9. I saw Waldo just a few weeks ago. In San Francisco.

    And I'm glad the conductor is cutting back on the sugar.

  10. Just want to let you know --- TAG!!!! http://www.lifewithbooks.com/2012/06/bawk-bawk-tag-chicken-redux/


Talk to me baby!