22 February 2015

Currently | 22 February 2015

Time and Place // all over the place for three days - yeah, it takes a while to write a post these days :)

Eating and Drinking // Kahlua and Milk! It's alcohol! It's dessert!

Reading // I recently finished Eoin Colfer's The Supernaturalist, a middle grade scifi adventure; while it didn't rock my world, I was definitely entertained. I'm still reading Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel from time to time, but it's a back up, not my go-to book. Honestly, I can't even explain why this book isn't sucking me in; the writing is excellent, the story is original, the characters are unique, and yet....meh.

Watching // Why can't there be more The 100?

Blogging // This past week I posted a Top 10 Tuesday on my bookish problems, a review of George Guthridge's The Kids from Nowhere, and an update post on my adorable babies.

Anticipating // In true Trisha fashion, I've recently purchased a handful of books despite the fact that I have more unread books on the shelves than is healthy and despite the face I am trying to get rid of books. The latest purchases are:

Promoting // One of my goals for the new year is to clear 300 books off the shelves, and this month I made it halfway there. I have 150 books ready for a new home, so I will be hosting a week of giveaways. Starting tomorrow, we have five days of giveaways here on the blog, and I sincerely hope you help me get these books out of my house (and so does my husband, who is sad that our couch is covered in books).

This massive pile includes everything from YAL paranormal romance to narrative nonfiction to classic novels. Something for everyone!


  1. Have you tried putting kahlua in hot chocolate? (I always add a little scoop of vanilla ice cream just, you know, for added calcium.) It's the best!

  2. Sorry you are not loving Station Eleven. It's one of my favorites :) Seeing your pile of giveaway books inspired me to do some shelf cleansing -- I've got a pile of about 30 to get rid of now. Yay, less clutter!

  3. I did a big book purge last year, and it felt so GOOOOOD! Also, kahlua and milk. YESSS.

  4. Several of those books on your anticipating list are definite anticipations for me too. And WOW congrats on getting 150 culled already!

  5. Madison looks all about baby Carter! And just think--in a few months they'll be able to entertain each other and you'll be able to do almost an entire task in one go!

    I love how you're getting rid of your books and sending them to other addicts. What kind of enabler are you?! ;)

  6. Congrats on combing through the shelves and getting rid of so many books! Its exciting going through the bookshelves. I love how youre getting rid of them too.

  7. Yowza! generous on your part to mail all those books! I cheer you on but I won't be entering...


Talk to me baby!