26 April 2015

Currently | 26 April

Time and Place // All over the place for three days :)

Eating and Drinking // Coffee and then some more coffee

Reading // The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume A, the Middle Ages. Tomorrow I start my Graduate Studies in Medieval Literature course, and I am super excited. Now the big question is: Do I take Victorian Lit or Romantic Lit next?

Listening // Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Blogging // April has been a slow month for me with reading and blogging. This past week I managed to get up four posts, but the week before, nada. If you haven't read them yet, I put up two review posts this week: one on the awesomeness that was The Help on audio and the other on the blahness that was the first four books in the House of Night series. I also posted about the delicious new recipe I tried - Autumn Glazed Pork Chops.

Contemplating // Turning 35. I just celebrated my birthday last Wednesday (April 22). It seems like much more of a turning point than 30 for some reason.

Loving // BABIES! My cousin and a friend at work both had their babies ON MY BIRTHDAY this year. I have two new birthday buddies: Mia and Phoebe. How fun is that?!?!?! I don't have pics of the newbies, but to satisfy the baby fix....

Loving // Jillian Michaels. I recently started her online weight loss program, and so far, so good. She has some excellent recipes on her site, one of which I featured yesterday for Weekend Cooking (Autumn Glazed Pork Chops). The premise is simple: more calories out then in and lots of logging. The exercises are kicking my butt for 30-40 minutes 5 times per week, but they are fun and while I can't make it through the whoooollllee workout doing every exercise perfectly, I also don't feel like I'm a huge failure.

Hating // Jillian Michaels. I mean seriously you can love it and hate it simultaneously right? Also, I hate waiting for results and the 1/2 pound I lost this week is pretty pitiful. I think I need to up my game. In my defense, I did mention it was my birthday this week right?

Adoring //

I finally got a rather beautiful picture of my babies!!!


  1. I really need to do SOMETHING about my lack of an interest in exercise. I sometimes enjoy yoga, sometimes walk, but I've never been able to come up with a concrete plan and stick to it for any length of time. I should look at Jillian Michaels' website, maybe I'll find some exercises that I can deal with doing there.

  2. Look at those beautiful babies! Good luck with your new class, though I don't think I need to tell you that! :-)

  3. Aw, how fun to have birthday buddies! One of my cousin's kids shares a birthday with me, and I like to make a special fuss over her. At family holidays she comes running to find me and tell me about school and karate class and what she's been reading -- it's the best! :)

  4. I love Jillian but I could never follow her eating plans. I eat way too many calories for that, ha!

  5. Happy belated birthday! That is a beautiful picture of your babies.

    I think I have Jillian's 30-minute shred videos somewhere. I was too chicken to ever start them though. She scares me.

    Have a great week!

  6. That really is an adorable photo of the kiddos. And VICTORIAN LIT! And can you make AUTUMN pork chops in Spring? And my cousin just had a baby on my husband's birthday which will make it easy to remember. They named the baby Josie. Not sure if it is short or nickname for something else, but I approve. I love to hear about baby names. And... have a great week!

  7. Happy Bday! I look forward to hearing about your current class! And I vote Romantic Lit next.


Talk to me baby!