24 May 2015

Currently | 25 May

Eating // Teriyaki-Glazed Salmon courtesy of Trish from Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity. It was delicious. I paired it with Toasted Pine Nut Couscous and Roasted Carrots. Excellent dinner for the whole family.

Reading // I'm not really in to anything, but I did read the first handful of pages from The Happiness Project while Madison was watching Odd Squad before bed. The book seems like a good choice for me as I'm already connecting with the author. The show is awesome even for adults.

Watching // Did I mention Odd Squad? It's Madison's new obsession, so we watch one episode every single night before bed. Really though, I don't mind. It's a program that teaches. In particular, it teaches math.

Dominating // My Graduate Studies in Medieval Literature course. I'm kicking its butt and loving it. I believe I currently have a 97% in the class. Go me.

Promoting // My Month of Heart of Darkness posts including a review of the novella, a discussion of imperialism and racism within the text, and a quick intro to my narratological analysis of the story. I'm hoping to get around to a comparison to the film Apocalypse Now (which is based on the book, loosely) but I'm not sure I'll be able to fit it in this month as tv watching doesn't happy very often around these parts, at least not anything which isn't kid friendly.

Apologizing // For being terrible about commenting on your blogs. Lately I've been a real lurker. Reading but not commenting due to time constraints. I shall try to be better! I promise!


  1. I mostly lurk as well. It takes so much time to click through and comment!

  2. I'm the queen of lurkers, so I feel your pain. I hope you get some fun reading done this long weekend!

  3. I've been lurking a lot lately too. Need to change that. I'm going to check out Odd Squad. Maybe my kids will like it.

  4. Oooooh I can't wait to hear about your Medieval Lit class.

  5. I liked The Happiness Project quite a bit, although her newer ones not as much. I think her obsession with detail and order appealed to me because, if I'm honest with myself, I'm not like that at all!

  6. I read The Happiness Project last year and enjoyed it. I've never heard of the Odd Squad, I'll have to look for it.

  7. I read The Happiness Project last year and enjoyed it. I've never heard of the Odd Squad, I'll have to look for it.

  8. I really liked The Happiness Project! I haven't read anything else by Rubin yet, but I'd like to check out her newer books too :)

  9. My daughter had to read The Happiness Project for her honors English project last year and really didn't like it. She said that the author should have whined less about what she wasn't doing and just have done it. This, from the girl who can't keep her bedroom clean! Glad you are connecting with it-- I think that any assigned book automatically prejudices my daughter against it!


Talk to me baby!