27 March 2016

The Sunday Spotlight: BEA

Every Sunday, I highlight one thing: one book, one idea, one dish, one person, one show, one anything. Today, the spotlight is on:


All three run consecutively in Chicago from May 11 - 14 (Wednesday to Saturday) and I am thrilled to say that I am registered for all three. As I live a mere 60 miles south of the city, I have no excuse (other than hating really early mornings) to not attend. I'm really hoping to see some of you up there. I know I will be there Wednesday and Saturday, and either Thursday or Friday.

So who's going and when can we meet up?


  1. Yay! I will be at BEA Weds to Friday. I will email you more info!

  2. I will be there too! We started a Facebook group for bloggers who are going to network and whatnot ahead of time, so you should join if you haven't already: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2005493406343298/

    And let's definitely find a time to meet up, yay!

  3. I am so jealous!!! It's been since the year we both went to NYC that I've been able to attend! Boo. Take lots of pics!!

    1. This is my first time since then too! I wasn't planning on going, and then I realized it was in Chicago. Wish you were going.


Talk to me baby!