20 March 2016

The Sunday Spotlight

Every Sunday, I highlight one thing: one book, one idea, one dish, one person, one show, one anything. Today, the spotlight is on:

Carter Lee Dandurand

Weighing in at a bit over 25lbs, Carter is a wonderfully stocky 14 month old with a ready smile and a streak of mischief. He is seriously the most content, happy, cuddly, giggly boy, but no lie that stinker will look right at you while he tips your half-full cup of coffee over onto the carpeting. Then he will giggle.

He can say mama, dada, and a version of mah-mah that stands for Madison. He can also moo and say tractor - which really sounds like ca-ca. He eats everything and clearly has no concept of the term full. At every meal and every snack, we have to logically deduce when the bottomless pit has had enough. He never stops eating and would more than likely eat an entire 32oz steak with an extra large baked potato, a good size helping of corn, and still go for dessert...if we let him, which being good parents, we do not. He protests the ending of a meal, but he's good-natured enough to get over it quickly.

He sleeps like a champ, which is a real treat after Madison who, I think, broke records for least amount of sleep in a newborn, infant, and toddler. We can actually put him into the crib wide awake and he will simply jabber until he falls asleep. Heaven.

He is all smiles
even when wearing, riding in, or playing with his sister's hand-me-downs which are inevitably pink and girly. The boy rides in a brown and pink stroller, just got out of a pink carseat, consistently has tiaras, crowns, and bows in his hair, and even once was forced to sit in an overly large frilly pink dress.

His only other facial expression is his uh-oh face:
which is hilarious. He pulls this face when he drops something, misbehaves, spills his drink, or anything else that is uh-oh-ish. Here it is again for your enjoyment:
We had a little scare with Carter. He has a hard lump on the back of his head, which has been there since birth. The doctor finally ordered an ultrasound which came back inconclusive, and we had to meet with a pediatric surgeon for a second opinion. Luckily, the doctor is pretty positive it is merely a dermoid cyst which is benign. We can't know for sure without removing it, but we are going to wait and see if there are any indications of worry before going to such drastic measures as it is more than likely A-Okay. Thankfully.

Captain Adorable here has a few nicknames: C-Bug, Doofus, and My Good Boy are the most popular. He probably thinks his name is "Carter No" though.


  1. Replies
    1. It is so cute. And he does it for the strangest things. Like today he made the face at dinner after picking up a piece of food and showing it to me.

  2. What a gorgeous boy! Thanks for sharing :-)

  3. Carter is adorable!! Love the expressions on this kid!

  4. What a sweet boy! I will keep a good thought for his bumpy head. As the owner of many, many head bumps (mine are sebaceous cysts, I think?), I feel good about his chances. :)

    1. Thanks Jenny! My husband had a sebaceous cyst removed a few years back, so cysts and head bumps don't terrify me as they do some. Still, when it's your kid you worry, right? :)

  5. Ha! I love that "uh oh" face.

    Morrigan had a bottomless pit of a stomach like that, too. It was always hard to judge when enough was enough. Actually, he's 15 now and that bottomless aspect has never changed. Only now it's harder to control. Sometimes, we'll find that he took the last four meatloaf muffins and ate all of them in the night (about a pound of beef), or he grabbed a 5-lb jar of peanut butter and at the whole thing, or a 2-lb block of cheese, or a giant bag of raw almonds...I have no idea how the kids stays as tiny as he does, haha!

    1. Holy crap! But yep, that sounds like Carter. He's an eating machine.

  6. Adorable. This was so fun to read!


Talk to me baby!