24 March 2007

After Mourning

A morning lost in blinding sun
Clinging to stripped down skin,
The heat not touching the prone bodies
Or warming the now-lost hearts,
A light in the eyes easily erased
By a careless word and no caress.

My mind lost sight of the end
And dwelled too long on beginnings,
Dreams of future and fairytales danced
A simple ballet of happiness,
And wishes yet unfulfilled sang
An upbeat ballad of anticipation.

But the clawing of inner cravings
Could not stop the rush of reality
As you left my life and lingered long
In my thoughts and my vision of time,
But I will push the edge of wishing
Now I know you are gone for good.

I will swallow the taste of you
And wash your touch from my skin
With hands no longer remembering.
I will blink your vision from my eyes
And delete the dreams of desire

1 comment:

Talk to me baby!