30 March 2007


I just saw the movie 300 and...wow. The cinematography is amazing; the battle scenes are horrifyingly wonderful; and the story is powerful. Historically speaking, well it's about typical, not bad, but not good. I suppose the essence of the story is there, atleast the romanticized version we have made into legend over the centuries. I'm just happy if people get a little bit interested in the history, and maybe check out the fact. I teach Ancient and Medieval World Literature, so I get a bit ecstatic over even the smallest interest in this time period. I was most surprised by the inclusion of the Queen, Leonidas's wife, and the power given to her by the directors, and then typical crying out of love at death. Then again, there's always a love story. At least it wasn't like Titanic and Pearl Harbor which in my opinion made a mockery over two tragic events of history by focusing quite heavily on a love story.

Well now that the serious stuff is over, may I just say....Yummy. I don't think I've ever seen such a large number of beautifully built men in one place.

A close up in case you need it....

Now you have the ignore the pile of dead bodies behind them, and the very dead man in front of them, but...Yummy.


  1. I can't seem to find one, but if I do, I promise to share.....

  2. I was gonna keep this a secret, but ... that's exactly what I look like when I'm in a red cape and a leather banana-hammock. Exactly like that. Just ask anyone in my Battles with Impossible Odds Re-enactment Club. (Next week: the Alamo!)

  3. And I look just like Pamela Anderson. I have to tone it down a bit for work, though.

  4. a banana-hammock....nice

    And I know exactly what you mean you two. It takes me hours every morning to put on my short suit (really cramps the knees, let me tell you), and then I have to put on the chubby suit over that (which is hot by the way). And every morning I have to retrain myself to not talk like a bimbo. Although I do think that once I let a high pitched giggle and a low pitched jiggle out. It's a tough life we lead, but really the alternative is being hounded and drooled over by everyone who sees us.


Talk to me baby!