01 September 2008

My Day Off

I read three books today. Mind you, they were three books in a children's series called the Underland Chronicles. But still. Three books from 8am to 5pm with a half hour break to talk to Grandma, and a one hour break to talk to my mother, and another one hour break to take an almost nap. Figure 30 minutes for incidentals: grabbing breakfast and lunch, using the restroom, stretching. So that is roughly 6 hours of reading, 973 pages, 2.7 pages a minute.

Wonderful. It has been too long since I've done this. If you check out my reading log, you will see that the month of August was a rather slow month for reading. Then again, I had a two week family reunion and the first two weeks of school to deal with. I'm still working up to writing a post about the family reunion. Too much, too fast. Suffice it to say that I love my family and wish they all lived here - perhaps not necessarily in my house, but here as in this state, this county.

The only downside to the day - I don't have the last book in the series. Very annoying.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A new post!
    **Now if only Brandon would update his blog...**


Talk to me baby!