01 July 2009

No Page Books

Mama Kat at Mama's Losing It has a writer's workshop on Thursdays, something I found out over at Jenners' Life with a Little One and More . For my first week's assignment, I chose Prompt 2 which reads as follows:

Prompt 2. Write five "Incredibly Short Books". Some examples:
"Chemical Contraception Choices for Catholic Couples"
"Teenage U.S. Presidents"
"The Book of Female Popes"
"The 2008 Book of General Motors Profits"
Dan, the inspiration for this prompt, says, "The point is that the book is of zero size since the title is a contradiction with reality."
I love it! Too fun! Now, I'm not particularly creative when it comes to stuff like this but I do so enjoy trying my hand at it. If Brandon is reading this - It's right up your alley; now come up with some good ones!


  • "Lost: The Full, Correct, and Comprehensible Explanation"
  • "Book Lover's Guide to Book Burning"
  • "So Many Husbands: A Fundamentalist Mormon's Guide to Managing Her Household"
  • "Choose Chunk: How to Gain Weight, Appear Short, and Find Love Fast"
  • "Madonna and the Purity Pact"
  • "Logical Approaches to Fortune Telling"
  • "Modesty for Monks: How to Stop Lifting that Robe"
  • "The Discerning Public's Guide to Unbiased News Sources"

Okay, so I want to keep going, but I'm thinking I should stop now. Maybe this is an activity that should take place once a month or something.

If you complete Mama Kat's Writing Challenge or if you just come up with a quick list of your own, please let me know and I'll add your link to this post.


  1. I think you have a talent for these!! Totally hilarious... especially the Lost one and the Choose Chunk. It is addictive coming up with these, isn't it! I've got to go check out Brandon's link now...

  2. I'm not sure which one I like the best! I think maybe Book Lover's Guide to Book Burning. Or Madonna and the Purity Pact. Very creative and fun.

  3. Thanks guys. Now I know Brandon and Jenners completed this activity, but Trish you should too! It's a lot of fun.


Talk to me baby!