11 September 2009

An Illegal Library

Chris from book-a-rama posted this link, and all I have to say is I would be proud to be this kid's mother. She (I think it's a she) has an illegal library running out of her locker and the one next to him full of books which have been removed/banned from his school.

I was wondering what to do with my students for Banned Books Week a few posts ago, and I will certainly be using this kid's story.

What would you do if your kid was running an illegal library out of his or her locker?


  1. I'd up his book allowance so he could add more books to his library!

  2. I would be very proud of my kid, so long as the books were not related to p*rn, child p*rn, etc. I would encourage him/her.

  3. softdrink - Love it!

    SafeLibraries - Yeah, having kiddie p*rn in the locker is definitely not as cool as having the perks of being a wallflower and Canterbury Tales.

  4. I used to run a library out of my house for Nancy Drew books. So naturally I think any child who does this is brilliant! :--)

  5. I'd definitely stand by her side if she ran into any trouble. I don't think I'd like her going to a school that banned books anyway.

  6. Rhapsody - That is awesome. I've always been a bit too possessive of my books, and it's only been in recent years that I have actively pursued people "checking out" my books.

    SafeLibraries - You have certainly provided me with a lot of information about the ALA.

    Chris - I'm with you! Time for a switch to a public school.

  7. lol, I love softdrink's idea :D I think I'd do that too.

  8. What awesomeness!! I would be so proud of my kid. I am happy to say that my daughter would back this up and probably join in adding another "section of the library" in her locker!!! And I would stand behind her.

  9. Nymeth and Christine - It's really too bad a kid has to do this, isn't it?


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