30 September 2009

One Life to Live

In a real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read. It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.

~S.I. Hayakawa

I have heard it said that people should not become so focused on "dreams" that they forget to live. What do you think? Is reading a way to live or is it a way to hide from living?


  1. A great quote! And I wholeheartedly agree with it. For me, reading is a way to live and I honestly cannot imagine living without books. I actually feel sorry for the people who don't read because I think they are losing out on life :)

  2. Honestly, I think it's both. It's possible to retreat from the world in books (I've done that), but also possible to explore and learn and grow from reading. It all depends on balance. One ought not to neglect the real world for the imaginary ones anymore than they ought to neglect the imaginary worlds for real life.

  3. That's so funny - the SAT uses (or has used) this quote as an essay prompt, and I just gave it to my students as practice. I'm amazed at how many disagree with his contention. This year, though, more agreed than ever before -- definitely warmed my cold little heart.

  4. I love this quote...I have it in the sidebar of my blog. I think that reading expands your worldview and exposes you to ideas and places that you otherwise may never experience. So I most definitely agree.

  5. I usually think of reading as a kind of illumination to life. The characters and stories we read become part of our own stories. You can live your life without them, but you're missing out on all of the beautiful details around the edges.

  6. I agree with others that it can be both. That's why I think the very best books are the ones you just pick up to read that slam you with truth and reality wrapped up in an entertaining package.


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