27 September 2009

Sunday Salon: The Classics Circuit

The Classics Circuit

On September 14, Rebecca at Rebecca Reads sparked a conversation about dead authors. And the world was never the same. Her idea of having a sort of posthumous book tour for classic books and authors garnered interest from many, and just a week or so later Rebecca was sending out emails to those who offered assistance, creating a website for The Classics Circuit, and generally getting ready for a November Tour.

Head over and Vote Now for the author you would like to see in November: Wilkie Collins, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, or Anthony Trollope.

The concept is thrilling to me. I love the classics, and I can't wait to revisit some old favorites and meet some new authors. I also think it will be a unique experience to feature multiple books by the same author, sort of a new perspective on the collective writings of the dead and famous. It's also been a lot of fun working with the other committee members to get The Classics Circuit going.

Speaking of which...

I am finally reading Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I believe it was Jenny at TakeMeAway who gave me the kick in the pants I needed to pick it up. All I can say is Thank You Jenny.

I am 194 pages in to the 410 page book, and so far it has been such a unique read. The language and the overt focus on descriptions of setting are so intriguing. For example, the first four pages do nothing but describe the grounds around Manderley as seen in a dream. Here's a snippet:

The terrace sloped to the lawns, and the lawns stretched to the sea, and turning I could see the sheet of silver, placid under the moon, like a lake undisturbed by wind or storm. No waves would come to ruffle this dream water, and no bulk of cloud, wind-driven from the west, obscure the clarity of this pale sky.

...and Finally...

Everyone should participate in my first challenge which centers on Banned Books. The challenge asks participants to read from the list of top challenged books in the 90s and provide reviews. As an added incentive, there will be numerous giveaways!


  1. I read Rebecca for the first time last year and LOVED it. I wanted to kick myself for not having read it sooner!

    Very much looking forward to the Classics Circuit :)

  2. The Classics Circuit is a brilliant idea! As for the Banned Book challenge I am interested but need to know if there is a time limit.

  3. gautami and Nymeth - I finished Rebecca! After making this post, I thought...eh, why not read? And now about three hours later, I am done and absolutely thrilled with the reading.

    Gavin - The challenge goes for a whole year! I hope you join.

  4. Yup, that was me, lol! And I do plan on reading it next. I'm going to e-mail you in a little bit. =)

  5. Rebecca is an outstanding read. Enjoy!


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