22 October 2009

13 Days of Halloween: Why Oh Why Women?

5 Costumes Women Need to Stop Wearing
AKA...Please Get Some New Ideas Now

I don't necessarily have a problem with sexy, but overdone, oversexualized, youth-based, service-based sexy kind of disgusts me. It's so cliched and really sets women back.

My question: What is a sexy but unique and more "feminist" Halloween costume?


  1. But why do they need to be sexy? Because I think you actually pinpoint what makes women "sexy" as far as men are concerned, and so if you don't have those elements (youth-based, oversexualized) maybe you don't have sexy! But I don't think that's a bad thing! I have found that there is one other way to appeal to a man: through his stomach! Maybe if women went dressed as big brownies or chocolate chip cookies?

  2. I hope these costumes will soon be a history. What happened to the good 'ole creepy monstrous creatures with eyes falling out and some such? Halloween is supposed to be scary and not just another 'Playboy" holiday.

  3. Rhapsody - :) They certainly don't need to be sexy in the stereotypical term. For instance, I've seen women dressed as fully clothed, appropriately aged people and they've been sexy. But I do love the idea of a giant cookie.

    Chris - Definitely. But why do women go along with it?

    Lilly - Exactly! Let's keep Halloween about creepy, scary, and ghoulish, not sex!

  4. Last year I was a generic Anime girl of my own devising. I wore killer knee high boots, black leggings, a drop leg holster with realistic gun, and a top/leather jacket combo with just a little cleavage. I put blue streaks in my hair and got wicked cool unrealistic fake eyelashes. Sexy and ready to kick a**.

  5. ha! i did a post on this same topic--except i wondered why TWEENS have these costumes available to them! when i was 10 i dressed as a turtle!

    we had our annual halloween party last weekend and i went as paula deen. it was hit!!! i had a great wig, wore a button down shirt, apron, and had lots of boxes of butter ready. :)

  6. Cara - Very cool. Kicking ass is good.

    Nat - That is awesome. Boxes of butter is just too hilarious.

  7. This is great, and I agree. Halloween is about being unique and imaginative, not a slutty vampire.

    Thanks for the cheerleading in the read-a-thon!


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