30 November 2009

New Book by Burroughs

"From the author of 'Dry', 'Running With Scissors', 'Wolf at the Table' and 'Magical Thinking'  is the latest offering from the viciously funny Augusten Burroughs, 'You Better Not Cry' from St. Martin's Press:

Augusten Burroughs has, and in this caustically funny, nostalgic, poignant, and moving collection he recounts Christmases past and present-as only he could. With gimleteyed wit and illuminated prose, Augusten shows how the holidays bring out the worst in us and sometimes, just sometimes, the very, very best."

Okay, now my words:  I love Burroughs.  Running with Scissors and Possible Side Effects are hilarious, insightful, and well written.  If you still aren't sold, check out this book trailer:

Now then, how do you win a copy you might ask. St. Martin's is offering you the chance to win the book in a sweepstake, so head over to http://us.macmillan.com/smp/promo/youbetternotcry and get entered!


  1. I read Wolf at the Table and thought it was very good. I was amazed at all the negative press though, and accusations that his memories couldn't have been real. They sounded plausible enough to me!

  2. I'm sold! This looks very funny, and not to mention I have to catch up with reading Dry.

  3. Augusten Burroughs? Christmas? Santa?! Just saw the book in stores. Oh, God help us.

  4. God help us, indeed! *ROFL* Love Augusten Burroughs.

  5. That trailer really got me in the holiday spirit. Thanks :)

  6. Rhapsody - I haven't read that one yet. I'll have to check it out.

    Matt - Don't you just love funny? That's why I like certain personal essayists over others. I admire someone who can poke fun at him/herself.

    Sarah - :) heehee

    Stephanie - Yay for more Burroughs fans!

    Stacy - What a wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit!


Talk to me baby!