30 November 2009

Movie Review: Snapshots

The Littlest Princess - Aug. 1

I was just looking for something, anything to watch, so when I flipped to some opening credits, I figured why not. About one minute in, I realized I had seen this film before and while I didn't remember the plot, I did remember the feeling. The film features a young girl at boarding school, who after her dad dies in the war, is relegated to the position of servant by the evil, spinstress mistress of the school. It is a typical plot, but the film has interesting details and subplots that make it less formulaic than one would think.

The Incredible Hulk - Oct. 11
Edward Norton and Liv Tyler star in the film. Relatively good movie, action, and - thank heavens - no intense focus on the love story. All I can think about is the enigmatic ending with Robert Downey Jr. as Stark/Ironman telling the General “they” are putting together a team. When is that film coming out?

The Parent Trap - Sept. 3
Why was Sammy, the dog played by Bob? Or rather, why couldn't they just keep the dog's name Bob? And that's all I have to say about this film. It was the remake with Linsey Lohan by the way.

Smart People - Sept. 6
A quote from Mr. T: "This movie is boring as all hell, but kinda good and funny too." Dennis Quaid, Ellen Page, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Thomas Haden Church all put in wonderful performances, and the film itself is oddly moving, but yep, kind of boring simultaneously.

Bottle Rocket - July ?
Friends work to become thieves under the misguided tutelage of Dignan (Owen). The Wilson brothers rock my world and Wes Anderson rocks my world. This movie, however, did not. I try to like it. Every time I watch it, I try to like it. I just can't.


  1. I remember watching Bottle Rocket expecting to love it, but, like you, didn't.
    Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. already came and went. I liked it a lot.
    I've been watnting to watch Smart People, but it looks like I shouldn't be in any hurry :)

  2. The Little Princess is one we watch on a regular basis in our house. In fact, I think we owned the movie before we had kids. It is magical and beautiful. I put it in the same class as The Secret Garden.

    The Hulk wasn't the best I'd ever seen, but I'd see anything with Edward Norton and Tim Roth in it. Yum.

  3. I love The Little Princess-- I cry every time I see it!

  4. Stacy - I think the comment was about more than Iron Man but I can't be sure.

    Sandy - I am so with you: Edward Norton and Tim Roth make me go all googly.

    She - I'm so glad other people have seen and loved this too!

  5. *LOL* I love your assessment of Smart People -- I kinda felt the same way.

  6. Stephanie - I have to thank the hubby for that one; he really summed it up perfectly I think.

  7. You know even though I loved the book Little Princess , I haven't watched the movie.. I want to watch it but I know I will cry like I did while reading :)

    Parent Trap is one of my fav..


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