08 November 2009

Sunday Salon: An Embarrassing Week

Seriously, the past week has just been embarrassing as far reading is concerned. I had every intention of reading Gaskell's Cranford; I even brought it with me to the eye doctor's last Saturday and read a few pages while waiting to be called in. But that, my friends, is the last time I've laid eyes to page. Pitiful. Embarrassing. Sinful.

I have read, just not books. This past week I've read about 75 student essays, 45 short essays on midterms, three chapters in composition textbooks, and over 600 blog posts. I say this in the hopes you will forgive me as the previous sentence does make me look busy. And I have been. But alas, I can not lie to you; I have had time to read. I've just been using it to watch television, a rather obscene quantity of it to be honest.

NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, Castle, The Vampire Diaries, Sanctuary, Stargate Atlantis, The Mentalist, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Three Rivers, and Criminal Minds were all watched between 7 and 10pm on some night this week. That's 7.5 hours of television watching from Monday to Thursday. It would have been 10 hours, but I'm cool enough to use DVR and not watch commercials. :)

And I'm not done yet ladies and gentlemen: I still have to watch Fringe, Lie to Me, White Collar, Flashforward, and Numb3rs. That's a total of just over 11 hours a week of television. Now, I spend about 80 hours Monday to Friday awake; 24 hours at work; 10 hours working at home; about 10 hours blogging; and obviously 11 hours watching television. That leaves 25 hours unaccounted for; time I can only assume I am actually living a life.

Less tv. More books. That's really the moral of the story.

Don't forget to sign up to win a copy of The Chosen One.


  1. I don't watch quite as many shows as you, but I know what you mean. Sometimes i feel ridiculous for stressing out over the books I need to read and the TV I need to watch. :)

  2. Ah! Flashforward. The ending was so amazing. Oh my gosh, I am freaking out thinking about it.

  3. Ugh, I know what you mean about watching so much tv and not having time for reading! I don't want to give up any shows, but sometimes I'm relieved if they're not on or it's a rerun because I know I'll have time to read instead, lol!

  4. I have been thinking about the too much TV not enough reading time thing too. I only watch one or two of the shows you do. I like Cake Boss, Little People Big World, NCIS, 18 kids and counting, Good Eats, Monk, House M.D., and Mercy. :)

  5. I was discussing the TV/reading time conflict with my husband earlier today. I'm kind of looking forward to when everything goes into reruns during the holidays, and we won't record anything new for a few weeks - more book time (theoretically, anyway)!

  6. I agree with Amy - sometimes you just need to chill out and watch tv!!!

  7. Our DVR has about 100 things waiting to be watched right now! TV is good. Yes, books are better, but sometimes it's good ole' television that does the trick.

  8. I have had to cut out a lot of TV recently in order to have more reading time.

  9. Amy - I often feel ridiculous over it; but at the same time, I just adore 'alternate realities'.

    She - I know right!

    Jenny - Exactly! Rerun nights are the best for reading. That and football Sundays.

    Brittanie - I'm going to have to get Monk on DVD I think. The show seems awesome.

    Florinda - The holiday season is the perfect time for reading. Cold outside, reruns on tv, and for me anyway time off from work.

    Rhapsody - That is very true. It's nice to let the brain rest from time to time.

    Stacy - Exactly! Sometimes it is just what you need, to curl up on the couch with all muscles relaxed (including the brain).

    Lola - Good for you! I definitely need to balance better. I tend to go in splurges: all reading one week, all tv the next.


Talk to me baby!