06 December 2009

Sunday Salon: Sickly Apologies

Well, it finally happened.  I've gone four months with students suffering from H1N1, severe bronchitis, regular bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, influenza, and the plain old cold.  With only three weeks remaining in the semester, I thought I was home free.  Then it happened: the tickle in the throat, the tightness in the chest.  I tried to ward it off by drinking inordinate amounts of orange juice, taking vitamin pills, and concentrating really really hard.  Alas, no luck.  Last Monday, the sickness took me.

And I've been down ever since. I have developed an actual cocoon in my basement that I no longer leave. I went three days without ever seeing sunlight.  My car has not moved in six days, and I may have forgotten how to drive. On the plus side, I'm thinking I may come out of this with a better waistline - not for the normal reason.  My stomach muscles have been getting a serious workout with all the coughing.

You would think that with six days of staying at home I would get some reading done, but no luck.  I tried and I tried again, but my ability to focus has been seriously limited by coughing, sneezing, and some sort of inner ear problem that makes movement and sitting up straight difficult.  Sitting up, looking at all of those words swimming across the page, was a rather surreal activity that made me wonder if my medication shares any characteristics with LSD or PCP or well, acid in general.

So in the last week, I haven't read a single book.  Nor have I read your blogs, and for that I sincerely apologize.  My Google Reader has been overloaded, and I may have to just hit Mark All as Read.  I, in my sickliness, apologize.

Thanks to Iman Maleki for the wonderful image.


  1. What a lousy way to spend your week! Sick, and without the comfort of books. :-( Hope you're feeling better!

  2. I'm so sorry. :( I hope you feel better soon. Don't feel guilty about the mark as read button!

  3. That stinks that you were sick AND you couldn't read at all this week. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  4. It's actually pretty amazing you made it until now! Sorry to hear you finally got caught. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Ugh! You poor thing! I had something hit me a few days ago, but nothing quite that horrible. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. softdrink and Michelle - Exactly! If one is bedridden, one should most certainly be able to read!

    Amanda - Eh, I hate missing your guys' posts.

    Rhapsody - I know! I really had hopes I'd make it the whole time though. Ah, the arrogance.

    Sandy - This one hit pretty bad. Hopefully it means I won't get sick again this winter! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. Ugh, that's awful. I hope you feel better soon!

  8. I hope you're on the mend, Trisha!

  9. Hope you are feeling better woman. Your mug is on the way so make some tea and enjoy it out of that! I know how much being sick can affect progress esp with the blog so just relax and rest up!!

  10. AAAAWWWW ... Trisha feel better soon!!!!

  11. I'm sorry to hear you were sick. You persevered for quite a while considering all the sick people around you! I wish I'd known, we could have commiserated with each other as I too was sick all week. I barely blogged. And some of my cats were quite happy to hunker down with me! I hope you are feeling better.

  12. I hope you're on the mend!

  13. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I seem to be on the mend, but what a yucky sickness!


Talk to me baby!