27 February 2010

Adaptation: Fingersmith

based on the book by Sarah Waters

First - don't you just adore that cover?  I find it so beautiful.

My Review of the Book

Plot Synopsis:  Fingersmith tells the story of Sue Trinder, a young woman orphaned at birth who grows up among the thieves and con artists of London. When a conman named Gentleman offers her a money-making opportunity, she grabs it.  Maud is the unfortunate patsy in Gentlemen and Sue's little con, but Maud has secrets of her own.  Sue and Maud's schemes and plans are no match for the path their lives were set upon before they took their first breath.

 My Thoughts:  As with the book, I will not be able to truly give all of my thoughts about this film as to do so would ruin the story for those who (for some unknown reason) have not read the book yet.  This plot twists and turns, as does the narration, and even my husband, who is not the biggest fan of period films about women, enjoyed the surprises.

The film felt true to the story even as it lacked quite a bit of the detail provided in the book.  While reading I felt the poignancy of moments and the complexity of each girls' past and present.  As is the way with many adaptations, the film can not meet the evocative quality of the book.  The condensed nature of film offers less opportunity for the viewer to identify and truly understand the characters.  I will say, however, that I very much enjoyed this adaptation for I never felt cheated by story.  All of the elements I so adored in the book were presented on the screen.

Sandy at You've Gotta Read This also read and watched Fingersmith, and you should read her analysis.

This counts for the Read the Book, See the Movie challenge.


  1. I should definitely get the movie since I loved the book so much. And yes, the cover is beautiful!

  2. I relly need to read the book. I have no excuse for waiting so long.


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