26 April 2010

Top Researchers Shock the World

!!!!!Breaking News!!!!!

Top researchers in Britain have uncovered a startling truth.  Apparently, "the combined habits of smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and eating a poor diet substantially increased the risk of death".  You must be joking because I totally thought that smoking, drinking, overeating, and lounging around all day were like the way to go.  I have actually based my entire life on the fact that these four activities, especially when done consistently and simultaneously, were the way to live a long and healthy life.  Damn.  What will I do now?

Okay, sarcasm aside.  I think what bothers me about this study is that time and money were spent on it when other non-duh issues could have benefited quite a bit more. How many people out there don't already know that excessive twinkies, vodka, cigarettes, and television are bad for you?  Do we really need to expend all this energy and money on this?  The demotion of Pluto bothered me for the same reason.  The classification as planet or not planet seems trivial and unnecessary when we have starving people, homeless children, and war torn countries.

I wish we could pool our money and resources into one issue at a time.  I really think we could get some serious work done if we weren't spread so thin.

Okay, rant over.


  1. LOL! Unfortunately, there are so many unusual studies out there, it can be quite disheartening. In my daily newsletter at work, I get news of at least five different food-related studies, all seemingly contradicting each other. It is crazy!

  2. These kinds of "studies" drive me nuts, for the very reasons you mention. Just the other day, I heard something similar ... it was something so common sense that it infuriated me that there are real issues and real problems in our world and money was spent on such crap.

    Sorry ... you hit on one of my pet peeves with this great post! :)

  3. The glass is always half-empty for you, isn't it? Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs- let's come up with our own BS study instead! I've got a great lead on a study involving the productivity of a certain forest rodent in regards to the chucking of wood.

  4. Here, here! My husband is forever swearing at the News Radio station while driving our car, whenever a bogus study is published. Rubbish, and clearly just a means to government funding!

  5. Ohmygod, I am feeling SO annoyed now. Why must people all over the world continuously spend ridiculous amounts of money on things that are just obvious.

  6. What!? Unhealthy? Can't be! But yes, I agree with you completely - we need to focus money on what matters!

  7. Unfortunately, taxpayers' money is spent on all manner of absurd things. Have you ever visited the Golden Fleece Award site? It's a great way to get your blood pressure up. :-/ Meanwhile, teachers are being laid off due to "budget crises."

  8. OH MY GOD! This is shocking!!!! : )

  9. Good grief. This is ridiculous.

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