24 April 2010

Give Me Sequels, Please

5 Books I Wish Had Sequels

Sometimes I finish a book and I'm so sad I get physically uncomfortable. The characters drew me in so completely that losing them was like friends dieing. Other times, there are books I enjoyed but had such unbelievable unsatisfying, abrupt, or unclear endings that I was in shock a sequel wasn't immediately forthcoming. I'm not telling you which is which for this list though.  All you have to know is that I want a sequel.

  1. Interworld by Neil Gaiman
  2. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
  3. The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
  4. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
  5. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
These are neither my favorite books, nor are they the most unclear books I've ever read, but each of them in some way made me wish for more.

So what about you?  What books do you wish had sequels of some sort?  Feel free to make your own post on the topic and link to it in the comments!  If people do this, I'll add a list of others' posts in this post.


  1. I agree with The Handmaids Tale, I always wondered what would happen, same with Oryx & crake.

    Life of Pi, I was quite satified with that one, Water for elephants - I dunno I think a sequal would be quite boring.

  2. I would like to know what happened with everyone in the Handmaid's Tale as well. But I really want the Little Women sequel where Jo and Laurie divorce their respective spouses and marry one another.

  3. I concur on The Handmaid's Tale and His Dark Materials. I've always wanted to know what happened after those books.

    I just finished Water for Elephants, and I'm not sure if I'd want another book or not. It might be fun to see what happened to Jacob and Marlena in their new circus, but we learn a lot about their lives from old Jacob that I think a sequel wouldn't have a lot of suspense to it.

  4. Nicole- LOL!

    And yes, I want to know if Offred gets her daughter back .

  5. I too get so sad when a book is over that I loved and there is no sequel! Or if the sequel is coming, but not due forever! One reason I love series mysteries is that it's like sequels, and you get to renew your imaginary friendships with the characters!

  6. I don't know what happened with me and Interworld, but it's the only Neil Gaiman book to date I'm not quite crazy about :(

    About HDM: Philip Pullman had better delivered the long promised Book of Dust :P

  7. I prefer standalone books, actually. Series and sequels wear me out! And I don't mind when they're ambiguous. Like I would have preferred the Hunger Games to be a standalone book. I know I'm in the extreme miniority, though...

  8. I haven't read any of the books on your list except a Handmaid's Tale. And yes, it does make you wonder what would happen next.

    I'd like to read the Philip Pullman series, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Saw the movie The Golden Compass. Meh. I need to read the books instead.

    It would be a fun homeschool project to read His Dark Materials, written by an outspoken atheist and freethinker, and compare/contrast it with the work of a Christian fantasy writer, like Tolkien, Lewis or L'Engle.

  9. What a super cool idea!!! I'm going to have to think about this and come up with some of my own. I didn't really crave a sequel to "Life of Pi" ... just for him to write a book as cool as that one was! I'm going to have to "borrow" this question for my question of the week sometime.

  10. Yeah, this is one question I would need to let brew on the back burner for awhile. I do go through a grieving process at the end of some books, but wanting more is a slippery slope. Take Gone With the Wind for example. (I know there was a sequel, but not written by the same author which doesn't count.) Do I REALLY want to know what happened? You are left hanging, but I think I am better off with my own thoughts than a sequel. It would spoil the magic.

  11. i would love a sequel to most all of Madeleine L'Engle's books ~ her Wrinkle in Time series I still want to know what happened to Charles Wallace & Meg!

    I adored Water for Elephants and His Dark Materials ~ yep, they both need more....just more! And oh, Gone With The Wind ~ what a great one for a sequel ~ a REAL sequel by Margaret Mitchell!

    Oh, there's so many I can think of, I'll have to sleep on it and come up with more, more more!!!

  12. Saw your blog mentioned in a post about the hop so thought I'd stop by to say hello.

    What a great idea for a post. I certainly agree with you regarding The Life Of Pi.

    I've just finished reading a debut novel by Ali Shaw, The Girl With The Glass Feet and would love to see a sequel to this as, not having enjoyed the book so many blogs have raved about, I'd love to see how the story/author progresses.

    A great blog, nice to have met you. P.W.


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