13 June 2010

Sunday Salon: It's Such a Challenge to Stay on Top of Things

Hi, my name is Trisha and I'm addicted to challenges.  The problem first started a little over a year ago when I found the world of book blogging, and since that time, things have just gotten worse.  I now participate in close to 25 challenges simultaneously.  I used to be in control of it.  I could sign up for one challenge without losing track of another.  But things have gotten out of hand.  I don't know what I'm supposed to be reading for what challenge, I don't know when certain challenges start and end, and sometimes I completely forget to log a book for a challenge.  I have to get this addiction under control again.

So, welcome to my mid-year challenge report - Thank you Bloggiesta! I'm going to organize these by end-date, so I know to finish up the challenges at the top of the list first.

Once Upon a Time: End Date 6/20; Current Stats 12/?  COMPLETED
Sookie Stackhouse: End Date 6/30; Current Stats 6/10

1930s Mini-Challenge: End Date 7/31; Current Stats 0/1

Sci-Fi Reading: End Date 8/8; Current Stats 10/8 COMPLETED

Non-Fiction Five: End Date 9/30; Current Stats 3/5

101 Fantasy Reading: End Date 10/10; Current Stats 7/15

Women UnBound: End Date 11/30; Current Stats 13/8 COMPLETED

Hogwarts Reading Challenge: End Date 12/13; Current Stats 79/?
18 and 19 c. Women Writers: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/2
Young Adult Reading: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 21/25
Flashback Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/6
TBR Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/12
World Religions: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 7/?
Read the Book, See the Movie: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/10
42 Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 14/42
Take Another Chance: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 6/12
Books to Read Before I Die: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/10
Graphic Novels Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 11/10 COMPLETED
GLBT Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 14/12+ COMPLETED

100+ Reading: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 59/100

Reading Resolutions
  1. Read 100 books : 59/100
  2. 50% or more "worthy" books : 64% worthy
  3. 10 non-fiction books : 9/10
  4. 10 non-fiction personal essays : 0/10
  5. Review 75% of the books I read : 99%
  6. Read 3 TBR books for every 1 I buy : I have to admit I haven't been measuring this one...

To sum up, I have completed five challenges, six if you count World Religions, and I'm over halfway to my yearly goal of 100 books.  I should probably pick up the next Sookie Stackhouse novel and start reading, but honestly I may not complete that challenge. While I enjoy the books, there are so many others I would rather read.

So how are you guys doing on challenges?


  1. I think I'm just going to do what I did last year, which is get to December and see which ones I seem to have accidentally completed. Not very organised, but pretty stress-free :P

  2. I'm actually quite enjoying my reading much better since I quit all my challenges! Funny thing is, I'm finding that I'm completing them all no problem, but that it's funner to choose what/when instead of looking at lists!

  3. I only signed up for a few, but I am running one. I've completed one, I'm halfway done with another and I'm giving up on one. My own challenge is running along. It's petering out a bit, but I expected that. I think a lot of people worry about them too much. It's all just for fun as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Looks like you have been doing really well this year! I need to work harder on my challenges.

  5. I suck stupendously at challenges for the most part. I started my own challenge (Reading Resolutions) to guide myself, and have apparently lost track of that too. I am thinking about giving up the challenges and just reading what I like when I want to, except for review copies.
    I would continue some sort of resolutions list to remind me of good books I haven't read, (Bleak House, North and South etc). I'm also thinking of redecorating the blog, but that takes time away from other things. I guess I need to shake things up.

    Well good luck getting back on track with your challenges. I think you will succeed with it. This has been a very thought provoking post Trisha. Thank you!

  6. Wow, it took forever for this comment form to appear!

    Anyway, I have updated my challenge post, which I do periodically; I have finished some of the challenges and have about three left to finish.

    If you go to any of my blogger blogs, you'll see a picture linking to my update posts.

    Here's my salon:


  7. I've only signed up for two challenges this year: Canadian (5 book commitment) and Australian (3 book commitment). I've read 2 of the 3 Australian. I've read 1 of the 5 Canadian.

  8. I might be taking Nymeth's approach. :-D

  9. Did you forget your own Unlock Worlds challenge? :) That goes until September, right?

    I have a total of 12 challenges (I think) going on. I did the same thing as you did - used Bloggiesta to see where I was - and it isn't a pretty picture.

    Nymeth has a pretty good approach!

  10. I have totally ignored my challenges this year. Usually I get serious about them during the summer....maybe after I get back from my big trip. I feel like I have probably read lots that will meet the criteria for my challenges once I really take the time to look over the challenges and what I have read.

  11. Holy Caloley girl! 25 challenges at once? I was addicted as well but don't think I ever did that many. :)

    Good luck to you!! I'm only half participating in the ones I'm hosting.

  12. 25 challenges is a lot! I learned the hard way so I just signed up for 10 this year. Plus I tried to pick ones that gave me all year to complete.

    I am bound and determined to make 100 books this year ... and I'm totally on track this year for the first time.

    I like your resolutions too. I'm so behind on my reviews.

  13. Uh, is your December going to be busy or WHAT? :) I think I'm doing OK with my challenges and suppose I should take a look see... I'm more concerned that I need to get my tracking spreadsheet up to date.

  14. Ana - That's probably the healthiest way to do challenges!

    Amanda - I agree. I think I need to slow down and get back to reading what I want. Although challenges aren't so bad for that..ARCs, Book Tours, etc. are worse.

    C.B. - I agree that it's just for fun. I'm getting much better at not completing challenges - well at not forcing myself to complete them anyway.

    Stephanie - Only work harder if you want to! Otherwise the challenges become too much of a pain. ;)

    Jenny Girl - Redecorating the blog! Yikes, that is the worst activity in my opinion. It's such a major decision.

    Laurel - Only three left? You should join some more!

    Lydia - That sounds so reasonable. Two challenges, not a lot of books. Smart.

    Stephanie - It does sound like the way to go doesn't it?

    Melissa - I actually ended that challenge a while ago since no one was really participating!

    Readerbuzz - I have to admit; I put the book in the proper challenge immediately upon the review post appearing, so I don't have to back track often. It's a bit OCD....

    Trish - Yeah, I think I have a problem with challenges; I just love them so much.. :)

    Jenners - Yay for 100 books! I think that's a good number for people to read.

    Care - Hopefully I'll get most of them done before hand! And I'm promising that this year I will not force myself to complete challenges by speed-reading relevant books in the last week of the challenge. The world will not end if I don't complete a challenge...The world will not end if I don't complete a challenge...I just have to keep repeating that. :)

  15. I don't think I've ever completed a challenge I've signed up for. Okay, maybe one. It's always fun in the beginning with the planning and the list making and the initial excitement, but when it comes down to reading the books I feel like I'm "supposed" to, I just can't hack it. So I gave them up this year, and I can't say that I miss them too terribly, but every once in a while... *sigh*

  16. Wow, 25+ challenges? You are out of control, girl! Actually, I'm impressed at how many challenges you've already completed. I was planning to join a bunch of challenges this year and here it's June and the only challenge I've officially joined is the one I'm running!

  17. Megan - I figure if I sign up for enough challenges, every book I pick up will count for at least one. ;)

    Avis - Every challenge I see is tempting for me in some way. Honestly, I have to hold myself back from joining more. It's a bit sad actually.

  18. I just posted last week about the fact that there needs to be a 12 step program for these challenges - they are addictive!

    You are making a lot of progress and you have six whole months to go! I like the approach of joining so many that every book counts - perfect!

  19. Wow, you are addicted to challenges. I thought I was addicted...and I have far fewer than you and I still lose track!

  20. Booksnyc - I agree that a 12 step program is needed.

    Serena - I'm definitely a book challenge addict. Every one I see I want to join!


Talk to me baby!