12 June 2010

BiPping the Bloggiesta - Days 2 and 3

Welcome to Day 2 !!and Day 3!! of the Bloggiesta where I commit blogging errors such as:
  • putting up multiple posts in a single day
  • playing with the template and HTML on this site instead of my new ghost site
  • re-editing the same post over and over again (that would be this one)
I got quite a bit accomplished yesterday over the course of the Bloggiesta:

(Relatively) Completed
  1. Write and schedule reviews for all read books
  2. Complete the goals oriented task from the BiPpers
    1. I worked on my goals at the beginning of this year, and I'm still not done with those goals. I did, however, start going through the questionnaire provided by BiP.
  3. Revise my review policy
    1. Done! Well at least it's been updated a bit so my reading preferences, such as they are, have been listed.
  4. Learn about stats and think about whether or not I care...
    1. This was more beneficial than I thought.  For one thing, I had no idea that thousands of unique visitors had been to my site. That was cool - except I don't have thousands of followers....
  5. Play around with my template....maybe..oh god...should I?....AAAAHHHHH
    1. I opened a mirrored blog to play around with, but I'm not sure if I'll actually change my blog design or not.  While I would prefer my sidebars to both be on the right hand side - and I'd like a lighter background/darker text set up, I do like quite a bit about the way it is now.  What I really need is a coding/HTML whiz to play around with what I already have.
  6. Figure out where I'm at with challenges; make a mid-year challenge post 
  7. Got my Google Reader down to ZERO unread posts. That's right people, be jealous...
  8. Add copyright information
    1. Nicely up in the left sidebar

Things I did not complete because I got sick and started doing nothing but staring blankly into space...
  1. Write at least five non-review posts 
  2. Find 10 new-to-me blogs and comment for Cass's challenge
  3. Insert descriptions and metatags to coding
    1. Does anyone know how to do this? Or how to check if you've done it properly?

My Running Totals on Time
Friday: 5.5 hours
Saturday: 3 hours
Sunday: 2.5 hours

So 11 hours of fun and games on the blog.  I wish it could have been more!


  1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one committing blogging errors this weekend. I've already published one post meant as a rainy day post ... gah.

    And yes, those domestic hullaballoos are pesky things, aren't they?

    You're doing great with your Bloggiesta goals and to-do's!

    (My word verif is "stunerw." Used in a sentence: "I am stunerw'ed that you got your Google Reader down to zero." :)

  2. Metatags are fairly easy to do, as I recall. I added my own years ago and have not done anything with them since.

    Bascailly, I Googled "how to add metatags" and found several good articles that got me though it.

    You can find out how to do just about everything by googling it.

  3. Melissa - Ah, if only we were all rich with maids and butlers and personal secretaries and....Great use of the word stunerw!

    C.B. - I did that and found three different formats. I tried one that seemed most common and when I then googled my blog, the description did not pop up; it was the same as the old sentence that came up. It may have something to do with my using a non-Blogger template, something weird with CSS?

  4. Great job so far! I've done the same error and ended up posting more than once too. I've got to find a better way to see what posts I have scheduled when. BTW, great blog! I just started following.

  5. I see that Google reader task up on almost everyone's list, but I'm not even going there! What's the worst that can happen?

    I read blog posts from my blog lists, or from blogs to which I subscribe by e-mail. I don't know how I got in the reader thingy in the first place!

    I guess by "following" people!

    I've accomplished what was important to me in Bloggiesta...check it out here:


  6. One of these days I'll join you guys with bloggiesta--there's so much I want to do after switching to the new blog but it seems that when I do have a free minute I try to catch up on twitter or my google reader instead.

    Stats can be strangely addicting. I kind of miss blogging before I knew about stats and try to ignore them as much as possible! :)

  7. I was without-internet all weekend and didn't even read my book that's how unplugged I was! for shame... but I'm happy for you that you had such a productive bloggiesta!

  8. Debbie - Welcome and thanks for following!

    Kim - I slowed down dramatically after day 1 but I'm still happy with what I got accomplished.

    Laurel-Rain - Yeah, the GR is always a task. There are just so many wonderful blogs to read.

    Trish - Just call your Google Reader your Bloggiesta task!

    Care - Yikes, a whole weekend without internet? Scary!

  9. I am the queen of blogging errors! I didn't notice any of yours. It looks like you accomplished a lot!

  10. Thanks Trisha for joining the Bloggiesta! And here's hoping that you'll be up for another one in January.

  11. OMG did you *really* review & schedule all the books you've read? I'm amazed!!! And green with envy LOL.

    Oh. Waaaiiit a minute... there's no 'Done' added under the line, hee I guess I misinterpreted! Well, you still got a lot done -- kudos!

  12. Shelley - Thanks!

    Natasha - Absolutely!

    Gnoe - I think I missed two or three books this year, but I do try to review every book I read.

  13. I've reviewed every book I've read for the past year. It helps me remember what I've read.


Talk to me baby!