05 July 2010

Mid-Year Report: No Clever Title, Just Lots of Numbers

Reading statistics are addictive.  I keep adding categories to my spreadsheet, thinking of new ways to analyze the data, and I have to admit it's making me very uncomfortable. I should not enjoy anything math-related this much.

Books Read67 Pages Read16207
Worthy Reads41 Guilty Pleasures26
New Books61 Re-reads6
Fiction55 Non-Fiction12

Nothing too surprising in The Biggies.  I'd like to read more non-fiction, but really I'm at 18% at that is pretty good for me.

Male39 Female28
Alive59 Dead8

I'm kind of impressed that my male-female ratio is so close; I've always read more men than women.  I am shocked by my alive-dead ratio as before blogging, those numbers were reversed!

Era Classic8 Contemporary59
Age Adult34 YA32 Children1
Format Novels46 Short Stories5 Plays3
Graphic Novels11 Epistolary1Misc.1

Just like with the alive-dead ration, the classic-contemporary ratio is opposite of my pre-blogging statistics.  Clearly I am reading many, many more recent works. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this.  I'm happy with my adult-YA split as that feels right, and I'm very excited that I've managed to read so many graphic novels as before this past year, my GN reading was practically non-existent.

Bought39 Borrowed / Library4 Gift/Win3
Swap Site1 Review Copy9 Free6 BEA5

Clearly I need to buy less books.  Just...yeah.

Fiction Non-Fiction
Science Fiction8 Memoirs6
Fantasy22 Biographies0
Historical Fiction6 Cultural Studies4
Mystery-Thriller1 Essays1
Realistic Fiction14 Narrative Nonfiction0
Romance4 History1

No surprise here.  I've always enjoyed fantasy novels, which I take to also include folk lore, mythology, fairy tales, etc.  A note about Historical and Realistic fiction - Historical fiction includes stories written about a time period/event in the past that is realistic and relatively accurate.  Realistic fiction is the term I'm using to describe stories taking place in the same / or close to the same time they were written..sort of. I'm still working on the proper terminology.

January12 July2
February11 August0
March10 September0
April14 October0
May8 November0
June10 December0

Slowly but surely I am crawling out from under a pile of challenges. Here's the lowdown:

Once Upon a Time: End Date 6/20; Current Stats 12/?  COMPLETED
Sookie Stackhouse: End Date 6/30; Current Stats 7/10  DONE ; I'll probably read the rest of the books in the series, but I definitely didn't get it done by the end of June.  They are quick reads, but I don't feel a need to rush through them so much.

1930s Mini-Challenge: End Date 7/31; Current Stats 0/1

Sci-Fi Reading: End Date 8/8; Current Stats 10/8 COMPLETED

Non-Fiction Five: End Date 9/30; Current Stats 6/5 COMPLETED

101 Fantasy Reading: End Date 10/10; Current Stats 8/12

Women UnBound: End Date 11/30; Current Stats 16/8 COMPLETED

Hogwarts Reading Challenge: End Date 12/13; Current Stats 87/?
18 and 19 c. Women Writers: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/2
Young Adult Reading: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 24/25
Flashback Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 6/6  COMPLETED
TBR Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/12
World Religions: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 7/?
Read the Book, See the Movie: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 5/10
42 Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 14/42
Take Another Chance: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 6/12
Books to Read Before I Die: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 1/10
Graphic Novels Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 12/10 COMPLETED
GLBT Challenge: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 17/12+ COMPLETED

100+ Reading: End Date 12/31; Current Stats 65100

Reading Resolutions
  1. Read 100 books : 65/100
  2. 50% or more "worthy" books : 63% worthy
  3. 10 non-fiction books : 12/10
  4. 10 non-fiction personal essays : 0/10
  5. Review 75% of the books I read : 99%
  6. Read 3 TBR books for every 1 I buy : I have to admit I haven't been measuring this one...

And finally, my favorite reads so far this year:


  1. I love seeing other people's stats! I'm seeing some things here I wish I had been tracking (Dead vs alive, for example)! Great reading, here is to 6 more months of the same!

  2. You should have been an acountant! I love all your number crunching and stats. I don't do it for myself...must have gotten enough of that when I worked. I think if I did, I would be surprised at some of the numbers. I would definitely agree with you on Fingersmith. It might even end up on my top ten ever.

  3. What about a category for "alive when I read it but since died"....

  4. Okay this is probably a stupid thing to comment on, but I found it interesting that you put BEA as a separate category. I put the ARCs from BEA under Review Copies, but I'm not sure where I put the full books, either under Review Copies or Gifts, I'm not sure. Probably Review Copies. I'd better go figure that out so I can keep tracking those properly...

    I think I want to start keeping track of the alive vs dead authors! I've found in the last few years that I read far more female authors than male authors, which really surprised me! I don't think it was always that way and I don't make any effort to do it on purpose. It just ends up like that.

  5. Reading stats ARE addictive, aren't they? You've given me some new categories that I just might need to borrow for my own obsessive record keeping. Congrats on the completed challenges ... that is great! (And I love that photo with this post.)

  6. I really want to read Fingersmith. My husband just read The Picture of Dorian Gray a few months ago and wasn't a fan but I still want to read it. Looks like you have been very successful thus far this year!

  7. Holy statistics! You are my hero! I cant even find time to update my challenges! LOL - can I just give all that bloggy work to you? :D

    Awesome totals Trisha!

  8. Love the stats! I work with stats in my day job so I am always fascinated to see how people classify their reading - speaking of which . . .I need to update mine!

  9. omg, i love your organization! and it looks like you are having a great year, so congrats!

  10. Amy - I love seeing people's stats too! That's where I get all of my categories. :)

    Sandy - This may be the only time I enjoy numbers!

    Jill - Ha! That's a tough call.

    Amanda - I wasn't sure what to do with my BEA books but I wanted to keep track of how many books I read came from there.

    Melissa - Feel free to steal any categories you'd like! That's how I get them.

    Stephanie - Fingersmith is excellent!

    Sheila - Hmm...I think I'll pass; it was enough of a pain to do my own. :)

    Booksnyc - Glad I could inspire you to do your own.

    Lisa - Thanks!

  11. The statistics are fantastic! Well done. I'm curious - what is the criteria by which you differentiate between "Worthy Reads" and "Guilty Pleasures"?

  12. Greg - Ah yes, it's something of a strange classification. Pretty much all YA, romance, etc. are guilty pleasures. Worthy Reads include classic novels, the more complex of contemporary reads, etc. It's more about difficulty level than anything else though. I want to make sure I'm reading books which challenge me intellectually, and there is, in my opinion, quite a bit of difference between reading Dostoevsky and Harry Potter despite the fact that I enjoy them both.

  13. That is a lot of numbers! I find this stuff interesting though. I too read tons of recent books and hardly anything before the 2000s. That strikes me as not too good but those are the books I want to read I guess. I think I should work on this.

  14. Jenners - I used to read primarily older books, classics really, but book blogging has really changed what I read. I'm still unclear as to how I feel about that.

  15. I really love the way you did your stats! And people call ME organized!

  16. Rebecca - I am rather over-organized when it comes to reading and books; the rest of my life is more like the surprise and worry of searching for and finding change in the couch.

  17. I'm so impressed by your fancy charts!
    Oh, and the Fables series is totally on my favorites list too. I can't stop reading them. So good.

  18. Cass - Thanks! It took forever so thank heavens I'll never have to set them up again. And Fables is an awesome series!


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