23 September 2010

Anticipatory Reads

Overwhelmed with unread books, I still want to get the word out about a few recently released and upcoming releases that I'm excited to read:

Innocent Until Interrogated by Gary L. Stuart "explores the unspeakable crime, the inexplicable confessions, and the troubling behavior of police officials [after the arrest and torture of five suspects accused of killing members of a Buddhist temple]. Stuart’s impeccable research for the book included a review of the complete legal records of the case, an examination of all the physical evidence, a survey of three years of print and broadcast news, and more than fifty personal interviews related to the case. Like In Cold Blood, and The Executioner’s SongInnocent Until Interrogated is a riveting read that provides not only a striking account of the crime and the investigation but also a disturbing look at the American justice system at its very worst."

Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany re-situates Jane Austen in a Georgian England where vampires are Englishkind's last hope against the invading French. "Jane now regards her creation as a vampire as a gift.  She rejects the cure and discovers a world of freedom, love, and adventure.  But as an immortal, she loses her ability to write and must sever ties with her beloved sister, Cassandra, and the rest of her family.  Under the shadow of the guillotine, Jane will have to decide whether love and eternal life are too high a price to pay for the loss of what meant most to her as a mortal."

 The Gentleman Poet by Kathryn Johnson "a page-turning read that will hold her audience to the very end. This mesmerizing novel is also a celebration of good food, glorious words, and the power of love, while bringing readers an intriguing glimpse of arguably the most famous writer of all time." The book is based on a what if scenario: "What if the greatest playwright of all time didn’t simply read about the wreck of the Sea Venture off the Bermuda coast? What if Will was on board, fleeing powerful enemies, daring one last great adventure near the troubled end of his career?"

My list of unread books released this Fall is rather tremendous, but I am hopeful that the October 24 clearly the 9th not the 24th readathon will help me put a serious dent in the pile. But that is a whole month away!!! What's a girl to do? Work seems to be getting in the way of reading these days.


  1. Every single one of these is either on my wish list or my TBR list! Many moons ago (ok, maybe about 3) I knew I clicked follow on this site too for a reason!! :) Love your book selections and insight!

  2. I really like your choices! I do hope I will get at least the last one!

  3. October 24 readathon? No need to wait till then, my friend, when October 9 is just around the corner. :) http://24hourreadathon.com/2010/08/28/sign-up-for-the-october-9-2010-read-a-thon/

  4. Coffee and a Book Chick - Great minds think alike!

    Mystica - It does sound like a great book doesn't it!?

    Melissa - I'm totally blanking...how did I forget it was on the 9th? And why did I think it was on the 24th? Crazy me.

  5. Oh I'm really excited about Innocent Until Interrogated as well! It looks and sounds great.

  6. Jane and the Damned sounds a bit like Jane Bites Back… which interests me a lot more than the poor retellings, sequels, and prequels of her work.

  7. I had a really tough time getting started on Innocent Until Interrogated...make sure you don't have distractions! But after I got moving on it, I couldn't put it down. It is just exactly what true stories are all about...it is shocking, sickening and makes you just keeping shaking your head in amazement that this shit still happens today. You also will think twice about wandering into Arizona for fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

  8. Interesting choices! I really like the title Innocent Until Interrogated, and it sounds both appalling and fascinating. Though they really ought to write a companion novel about hard-working law enforcement officers who try to be decent, despite everything they're up against, and just do their job. I guess that wouldn't sell many copies though. ;-)

  9. I am not familiar with any of these books, but the last one especially catches my attention.

  10. More Jane as a Vampire? However, I did enjoy Jane Bites Back, so maybe I'd enjoy this one as well..

  11. Amy - It does sound like an interesting story. Do you have a copy yet?

    Clare - I've never read one before, but I like the idea of it being her instead of her work.

    Sandy - I'm betting I get frustrated by the book. I also get so annoyed when I read nonfiction about modern times' inability to progress.

    Stephanie - I think there are so many positive police television shows that it more than balances. Everything on tv now is a cop show. :)

    Stephanie - I have to admit I have never been a huge fan of The Tempest, but I thought having a companion book may make me read it again.

    Iris - I'm new to the Jane scene having only read her actual works and no companion texts, but I'm hopeful.

  12. Heard about the Jane but not the other two. Thanks for the heads up. Good luck on getting caught up.

  13. No luck, I hope to get it eventually though Trisha! Do you have it?

  14. Jenny Girl - I think catching up is a never-ending battle, but I'm hopeful that I can at least get to a manageable point.

    Amy - I do have a copy! I was hoping we could do a joint review again. :)

  15. Aw too bad that I don't have it :)

  16. Interrogated sounds pretty good. I'll be curious to see what you think of it.


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