08 October 2010

Weekly Geeks: Dewey's Readathon

In just 24 hours, Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon begins, and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. Being able to dedicate an entire day to reading - and nothing but reading - makes me feel all tingly inside. Since Weekly Geeks is focused on plans for the readathon this week, and since I am woefully unprepared at this time, I thought a blog post dedicated to getting my act together was a good idea.

Before I get to the what I'm going to read portion, I thought I would focus on a different question posed over at Weekly Geeks: What is your strategy for the readathon?

Fantastic question. I did not have a plan last year: I spent 14 hours 8 minutes reading, and yes I did keep a very specific and correct account. I read 8 books and 1771 pages. Eight hours and 11 minutes were spent blogging where I completed 9 mini-challenges and left 150 comments on others' blogs. I also hosted a mini-challenge and somewhere in there managed to shower and eat a butterscotch sundae.

I'm going in with the same non-plan plan this year. I'll have it a bit easier as my overworked brain couldn't think up a fun mini-challenge, so I'm just reading and cheerleading this time around. My family, students, and friends have been notified I will be MIA this weekend. The hubby will more than likely eat dinner and head out with friends, so I should be good to go for 24 solitary hours of reading. I even nixed the possibility of phone calls for that period of time!

Here are the books I really want to get to during the readathon:

The Financial Lives of Poets by Jess Walter
A cultural satire, FLP stars an out-of-work, going broke bloke who comes up with an unusual and illegal way to make some cash.

The Dark is Rising Trilogy by Susan Cooper
I have heard wonderful things about this series, and I finally own it.  With all three installments, nicely packaged in one book, I'm ready to go.

Vanishing by Deborah Willis
A collection of short stories which has been given big thumbs up by many bloggers, this is one I'm really excited to get to.

The Virago Book of Ghost Stories ed. by Richard Dalby
As the title clearly indicates, this is a collection of ghost stories which I think is a perfect way for me to get in the Halloween spirit!

Here are some books I plan on using as breaks from the more text-heavy reads:

The Sexy Book of Sexy Sex by Kristen Schaal and Rich Blomquist
This is "the ultimate guide to getting your rocks off" and so far I'm loving it. I think it will be a great 'need a break' book since it's told in small snippets of funny.

Sandman Vol. 4:  Seasons of Mist by Neil Gaiman
A graphic novel and the fourth in an awesome series, Seasons of Mist is an obvious break book.

Why We Love and Why We Fight by Simon Van Booy
Full of short, thought-provoking selections on the titled topic, these two books will be fun reads if they are anything like Why Our Decisions Don't Matter...which they will be...seriously, there's no doubt they will be just like that one...

Cirque du Freak nos. 9 through 12 by Darren Shan
These are very fast, easy reads and will be perfect for the later hours of the readathon when my brain starts going fuzzy.

As I have hundreds of books on the TBR shelves, there is really no guarantee that these will be the books I end up reading - I'm too much of a spontaneous reader to limit myself to a list - but these are my thoughts right now.

So anyone else doing the readathon - and planning making it all 24 hours!?!?!?!


  1. I don't know if I'll do it or not. Still not sure I'll be able to as family still haven't decided if Thanksgiving dinner is Saturday or Sunday (yes, it's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend!). Hopefully though I will get to do my very first readathon!

  2. The fall is tough for me, because of my kids' schedules (football). I am going to try to at least put in some hours starting tomorrow afternoon and evening though. Last time, I spent way too much time blogging and not enough time reading, so I am going to turn off my computer this time. (Just finished The Financial Lives of Poets and I LOVED it.)

  3. So excited for the read-a-thon! I'm tentatively aiming for 24 hours but I usually only make it until about 3 am (hour 19) so that goal may be a bit lofty for me. Also I am going to a wedding on Sunday and it might be a bad plan to show up all readathoned.

  4. I'm reading! I'd love to go for 24 hours, but I have to help drive to an out of town wedding on Sunday, so I'll probably have to cut myself off around midnight (16 hours in, where I am). I may try to sneak a little past that.

    You've got a great lineup there...several books I've been meaning to read myself!

  5. I'm excited too! And dreadfully unprepared...haven't even come up with a list yet. I do have a general idea of what I'm going to read though. I'll be reading for most of the 24 hours, except for a brief time out for my monthly library sale...can't miss that!

    Good luck to you...I'm sure I'll be talking to you some time during the festivities! BTW, how do you like that button? I made it for them. =O)

  6. Wow, that is actually more of a plan that I have ! This is my first read-a-thon, and I'm not really sure what to expect. I also haven't had time to make a library trip, will be trying to do that before my read-a-thon begins.
    *is nervous now*
    - Dee from e-Volving Books

  7. Good luck with the Read-a-thon. Hope you enjoy The Financial Lives of the Poets - terrific read!

  8. I'm not reading but I will be cheerleading so I'll drop by tomorrow to see how you are doing.

  9. I loved Financial Lives of the Poets! Can't wait to see what you think of it!

  10. CHEERS! I love the non-plan strategy and looking at those stats, this work for you. I have neverEVERever been able to track how many comments when I cheer - I just get on a roll and wham! I have no idea how long and where all I 've been in my bouncing around.
    ps "sex in small snippets of funny"? oo la la

  11. My boyfriend will be out of town most of the weekend, so it'll just me and the dog! My goal is to complete three books -- The Purity Myth, A Moveable Feast, and The Graveyard Book. If I get through those, I might take a nap break :)

    Good luck!

  12. Good luck with the readathon! I wanted to do it but I'm glad I decided not to sign up. Wayyy too much going on with school right now. I look foward to seeing how much reading you get done ;)

  13. You were VERY successful last read-a-thon! I am sure you will do as well this time. I know for sure I don't have your stamina!

  14. Amy - I hope you get a chance to participate as it is just so much fun!

    Sandy - I'm going to try to read more and blog less this year too! As for Financial Lives, I may be the only person in the world who isn't gaga over it; I don't know what my problem is with it, but I can't seem to get into it and I'm halfway through already.

    Cass - Sunday plans definitely put a damper on the readathon! I made it all 24 last year, but I'm not so sure this year...

    Erin - How weird that you and Cass both have weddings to attend on Sunday! And like I told her, Sunday plans put a damper on the readathon late night hours!

    Michelle - I LOVE that button! It's perfect. And I think a library sale is a suitable reason to miss out on some reading time tomorrow. :)

    Deepali - My plans and I have a strange relationship. I love making them, but I rarely keep them.

    Greg - Financial and I are not getting along so far, but as I'm the only person EVER to not go ga-ga over it, I realize the problem is with me. :)

    Kinna - Yay for cheerleading! I'm cheering for a few hours as well.

    Jenny - You are the third person to comment about loving it - and like the 300th positive review I've seen - but I'm about halfway through, and somethings not jiving for me...

    Care - I'm usually a laid-back, loosey-goosey kind of person who hates statistics and numbers, but for some reason the blog gets me all geeked and I start tracking stats.

    Layered Lemon - The Graveyard Book is a great read, and I've heard wonderful things about The Purity Myth and A Moveable Feast, so awesome list!

    Kelly - Too bad you couldn't sign up. I've been working my butt off today to make the time for tomorrow!

  15. Tonight I'm going through my Google Reader and finding out who is participating so I can check in tomorrow. This will be my first read-a-thon! I have stuff to do on Sunday so I won't be pulling an all-nighter but I do plan to stay up fairly late.

  16. I hope you have a great read-a-thon! I won't be participating since I'm visiting my parents this weekend.

  17. I'm in, but I haven't done the whole 24 hours since my very first time. I've thought about trying again this time, but I have stuff going on on Sunday that will probably keep me from being able to.
    Have fun reading!

  18. I'm not doing 24 hours, especially after getting less than 5 hours sleep last night with this whole NYT crap. But I plan to probably stay up until midnight or so. I always round to the nearest 5 mins. :D

  19. The Financial Lives of the Poets will make a great read for the readathon!

  20. I'm hoping to wake up at 5 to start cheering (which means I really need to go to bed!), but I doubt I'll make it past midnight, so no 24 hours for me.


Talk to me baby!