28 December 2010

2010 Challenge Wrap Up 3

Ah, Books and Movies, my two favorite things next to food. I did a bit worse than I thought I would, primarily because I was quite slacking on reviews. Alas, what can you do?

Books/Movies Read/Watched: 9

The challenge ended way back in June, but I didn't manage to read all of the Sookie books by that time. Currently, I still have the last published book, number 10, to read...I'm hoping someone bought it for me for Christmas. :)

Books Read: 9

The GLBT challenge has been one of my favorites of the year. Consciously choosing to read books about GLBT characters or by GLBT authors has been a fascinating way to broaden my really old white guy reading.

Books Read: 26

Reading Young Adult novels is so not a problem for me. I love them without guilt. They are exciting, entertaining, and easy reads.

Books Read: 54

Reading for the NonFiction Five got me thinking about the type of nonfiction I read, and I tried to branch out a bit into different areas. I ended up reading a pretty good mix.

Books Read: 12

The Hogwarts Reading Challenge had me classifying the books I read into studies at the wizarding school, which I found to be tons of fun. I seem to be doing really well in Defense against the Dark Arts, but sucking most dramatically at Herbology.

Points Gained: 369

An absolute favorite of mine, the R.I.P Challenge takes place over the best holiday of the year and encourages reading the best kind of book - dark. I only read four this year though and managed to completely dump out on the movies. In my defense, there were some real life issues at the time.

Books Read: 4
I knocked the 100+ on its behind this year, finishing more books than any of the previous years I've been blogging. This is in large part, I think, due to the amazing suggestions I get from fellow bloggers.

Books Read: 142


  1. The problem with the potions and herbology categories is that they involved reading a cookbook and making a recipe from it!! Um...I never read cookbooks or cook...

  2. You are two books ahead of me! I read 140. You must be a good manager of challenges because it seems like you made the most of them this year!

  3. Congratulations on doing so well with all of your challenges Trisha!

  4. I count 9 book/movies as a success. Hope you had fun with it, too.

  5. and see! you did awesome on some of these! woo hoo! I usually do good on the Read-Book-See-Movie challenge but didn't even get half way to my goal of ten. huh.

  6. More greatness from you! And 142 books!!! WOW!


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