27 December 2010

2010 Challenge Wrap Up

This is the first of three challenge wrap up posts!

The Women UnBound Reading Challenge was more of a fascinating look at whether or not I read woman-focused books than a challenge. I didn't actually pick up anything particularly for this challenge. I ended up surpassing the highest level which called for eight books. I would say though that the definitions were a bit fast and loose with female empowered protagonists counting for the challenge.

Books Read: 22

The Sci-Fi Challenge ended back in August after a year run. Obviously the point is to read science fiction books, specifically eight of them. I found out that I read a lot more Fantasy than I do Sci-Fi, and that my Sci-Fi reads tend to have a fantastical bent.

Books Read: 13

I loved completing this challenge. Re-reading some of my old favorites is a very pleasurable activity for me, and having a practical reason to do so was kind of gratifying. The top level, Literati, called for over six books.I counted 14 books by the end of this challenge.

Books Read: 14

I didn't manage to complete all twelve of the tasks for the Take Another Chance challenge, but I'm pretty pleased with the ones I did complete. I managed to complete 8 of the challenges, gaining 10 points!

Books Read: 12

The World Religion Challenge had me reading a few books I wouldn't have picked up otherwise and surprised by the religiosity of some of the other books I read.

Books Read: 8

Gotta love a challenge that encourages me to read Graphic Novels! My love of GNs is recent, but I'm feeling more and more positively towards these unique texts. I made it all the way to expert level this year!

Books Read: 15

The Once Upon a Time Challenge is really no challenge for me. Quite a bit of my reading falls into the fantasy/folk lore/mythology area, so meeting the requirements. I am, however, a bit disappointed that I didn't manage to pick up any nonfiction for it, and I hope to rectify this next year.

Books Read: 14

This was my first time taking on the Really Old Classics Challenge, but I certainly went all in for it, challenging myself to read the really old stuff for a whole month! It seriously was more fun than it sounds like..

Books Read: 7


  1. You're a maniac! Way to go on these. I too am a newcomer to graphic novels but I am so totally hooked. For life I think.

  2. Wow you are so much more concise than I am!!

  3. Congrats on doing so well with all of your challenges! I'm impressed!

  4. I hear so many people complaining about challenges lately. It's nice to see someone having fun with them. They should be fun. It's not about finishing them, it's about reading.

  5. Sandy - Just wait; this is the first of like four challenge posts. :)

    Amanda - I have like four more of these scheduled... I tried to be concise but eh...

    Amy - Thanks! I do so love me some challenges.

    James - I don't get the complaining about them. I think they are tons of fun.

  6. I'm impressed as well...I managed to keep up with my ReadAlongs better than the couple of challenges I signed up for in my inaugural year of blogging :) I'm going to use challenges as a way to better prioritize my reading...it means so much to me and brings such joy to my life, it needs to be higher on the totem pole so to speak. With a more focused and organized reading schedule I hope to be able to do that in 2011 :)
    Way to go!!

  7. You really rocked these challenges!!

  8. Holy crap! You kicked butt on Women Unbound!

  9. Peppermint - Prioritizing my reading is exactly why I love challenges! Keeps me from burying myself in trashy romance novels. :)

    Stephanie - Thanks!

    Stephanie - :) I think I counted some iffy books for it...

  10. You have achieved a fair amount here

  11. I second that MANIAC comment and admire the boots off ya! THANK YOU for participating in Women Unbound and yippee to "fast and loose with female empowered protagonists"!!!
    congrats on 142 books. and your nonfic success, too.

  12. You did great ... I didn't even finish my own challenge!


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