19 December 2010

Graphic Novel 2011

Title: Graphic Novels Challenge
Host: Vasilly
Timeframe: 2011
Suggested Reading List

My Goal: 10+ books

I do so love me a good graphic novel. My goals for 2011 are 1) to finish the Fables series by Bill Willingham; 2) to read 10+ graphic novels; and 3) to finally read some more 'traditional' GNs like 300, Superhero stuff, V for Vendetta, etc.

I am definitely in the market for some suggestions as well, so please, please, please Lay Them On Me!

Dante's Inferno by Seymour Chwast
Nylon Road: Coming of Age in Iran by Parsua Bashi


  1. The Unwritten! I seriously think you'd love it.

  2. I should consider joing this one. I enjoy graphic novels and always intend to read more of them, but don't get around to it often enough.

    But I'll need to get a few in my TBR stack soon because of the TBR Dare. ;-)

  3. I'm all about graphic novels these days...I'm addicted. Although I'm not officially doing challenges this year, I will most definitely read at least ten. (I've already posted reviews on five in 2011.) There are three or four graphic novels released so far in The Stand series that are incredible. My favorite that I read this year though was Pyongyang.

  4. Polly and the Pirates; short, sweet, and heartwarming. Also, pirates and little girls beating up pirates. I also echo Ana; The Unwritten is a thousand kinds of amazing (and you'll do nicely with the deconstruction in it, as you're rereading Harry Potter) and the first two trade paperbacks ought to be available. The first issue is available for free here.


Talk to me baby!