20 December 2010

Gothic Reading Challenge

Title: Gothic Reading Challenge
Host: Susan B. Evans
Timeframe: 2011
Suggested Reading List

My Goal: A Maniacal Frenzy (10)

From the host site (it was too perfect to pass up): "There is nothing better than a great Gothic read - crumbling old castles, mysterious legends, shadowy characters, supernatural beings and unexplainable events, make for some of the most haunting and captivating reading imaginable."

I could not agree more. I love Gothic novels, but I don't make an actual effort to read them. That is changing this year, and this challenge is going to help!

There are four levels of participation to choose from:

A Little Madness - Read just 1 novel with Gothic elements.
The Darkness Within - Read 5 novels with Gothic elements.
A Maniacal Frenzy - Read 10 novels with Gothic elements.
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know - Read 20 novels with Gothic elements.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

TBD on the Gothic categorization
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I would love suggestions for this one. What are some truly, truly Gothic novels I should be getting my hands on?


  1. The House at Riverton? Rebecca? The Little STranger? Oooh! Affinity!

    If there was ever a challenge that called my name, this one would be it. I'm resisting, but I will also keep my eyes on your choices so I can get good ideas. There is nothing more FUN than reading a gothic novel!

  2. What a fun challenge, although I'm limiting mine this year since I can't seem to keep up. Still, I look forward to reading your reviews.

  3. My suggestion would definitely be Woman in White which you already have listed--so make sure to get to it. ;) I'd suggest Wuthering Heights--because it is kinda gothic--but I'd be afraid of the deathstares I'd get from you and some of the other bloggers (Jill is forever going to haunt me).

  4. Definitely The Distant Hours by Kate Morton!

  5. Rebecca should definitely be on your list. As should Jane Eyre. And you could do Wuthering Heights, but be prepared to be bored and confused and feel that your time was wasted. :p

  6. I would possibly attempt the first level! I have nothing to suggest but will watch your comments here, and your ultimate choices.

  7. Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho

    The source of the female gothic! No Norhanger Abbey, Jane Eyre or Rebecca without this one.

  8. this is very good article, i like it

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