21 January 2011

Book Blog Hop: Genreiffic

Book Blogger HopOkay, this is last week's book blogger hop asking us why we read the genre we do. Why are we drawn to this particular genre? I totally forgot to post it last week, so I'm doing it today. Hate to waste a post. :P

This question is a bit difficult for me as I tend to read an eclectic mix of books. Sticking to just one genre is, for me, boring. I do, however, have a strong tendency to read YAL Fantasy books - they are my favorite guilty pleasure - so I thought I would focus on that particular age-genre combination.

The quick and dirty answer is that YAL SFF books are easy. They are generally fast-paced, entertaining, and exciting reads: perfect for immersion, and that's what I like about books - the ability to lose myself in a story, escape reality for a time. And with the whole fantasy angle (supernatural/paranormal/dystopian) I truly feel like I am leaving "reality" because of the unique worlds created within these books.

A quick list of some of my favorites: Harry Potter, Twilight, Chaos Walking, Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson, Septimus Heap, The Underland Chronicles, Pendragon, and His Dark Materials. Really, the list could go on and on as I've only included I've only listed the first to come into my head, and I've only listed series where I've read at least the first three books. There is a giant handful that I've only read one or two installments, but I am sure they will make the list. Now if only the next book would come out....

How about you guys? What's your genre of choice?


  1. I'm not particularly tied to one genre either! I guess if I was picking I'd do a "cozy magical" category: things like Sarah Addison Allen and Alice Hoffman.

  2. I can't nail down one genre either, but I will turn to a murder mystery for a break (haha! what does that say about me?). This is the genre I used to read all the time, so it is an easy move. My only problem is that over the years, I've gotten picky about them. There are alot of mediocre ones out there.

  3. I definitely need to check out some of the choices you listed. I love Harry Potter and like Percy Jackson. I haven't read the others you mentioned.

  4. I too cannot restrict myself to one! I like historical fiction very much, but then I also like Victorian based novels, also chick lit on and of, then there are the cozies and the pre ad post War literature. The list is endless.

  5. I like to read all different genres too .. it might actually be easier to list ones I shy away from than a favorite.

  6. I love your highlighted lists. I used to not think of myself as a series kinda of gal, but that's changed over the past year. Still, YA series are the only ones that I tend to gravitate to.

  7. I am starting a blog for my book reviews, participation in reading challenges, and other random things. I like to read all sorts of things - kids books, teen books, classics, new fiction and nonfiction, all sorts of stuff.


Talk to me baby!