22 January 2011

Literary Blog Hop: The Despicable

Literary Blog HopDiscuss a work of literary merit that you hated when you were made to read it in school or university. Why did you dislike it?

Oh let me start listing. There were many books I was forced to read in high school which I found hate-worthy. These are the two books which immediately pop into my head when people ask questions like this; they even made a bad classics list here on eclectic / eccentric last year. I don't know if it was my age, or being forced to read, or actually crappiness of book, but here are two that I just could not stand.

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
This was actually a DNF for me in my senior English class. I only made it a few chapters in before I just couldn't take anymore. Being as that experience was over 10 years ago, I don't remember exactly why I disliked Crane's war book so very much, but I know that ten years later, it is still one of the first books to pop into my head when I think of horrid reads.

I have been given many reasons by others for why I didn't like this one, mostly done in a placating, you would like it now, sort of voice. Some argue that as a teenage girl, I just didn't like war stories. That argument is out the window since one of my favorite reads from high school is My Brother Sam is Dead by the Colliers, which is a war story.

Since I can't remember the details, I went googling around. Jennifer, over at Reading with Tequila, gives me a possible reason for hating this one: "The dialogue was an atrocious mess of apostrophes. It was so bad that I could only barely decipher what was being said in some passages. The storyline itself seemed mildly interesting and it is quite possible the book is very good in a literary sense. Unfortunately for me, the speaking style was barely tolerable and I found it very hard to stay involved in what was going on." This one will not be getting a second chance.

The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
I know, I know, this is another one that I am "supposed" to love, and I will admit, that unlike for The Red Badge of Courage, I actually do think that I should give this one a second chance. But in high school, I hated it. I thought it was a giant waste of time, too short, too prosey, and too dull. I read the entire book since it was extremely short and I could knock it out pretty quickly (possibly one reason I didn't enjoy it), but I regretted it immediately.

Some of my favorite bloggers have written positive reviews on this one. Trish, back at the Nook, has a gushy review of this one; Julie over at The Blue Bookcase would even bring this as one of her ten to a deserted island books; J.T. over at bibliofreakblog adores it and the pseudo-adaptation Apocalypse Now; Lenore, from Presenting Lenore, confessed in her 20 Questions post at Rebecca's Lost in Books, that she has re-read Heart of Darkness more times than any other book. A re-read for me may be in order.

So I am curious: what books did you guys despise while in school?


  1. I felt the same way about The Red Badge of Courage. Heart of Darkness? I've tried to read it like four times as an adult and never made it more than a few pages in. I finally gave up.

  2. I disliked Death of a Salesmen in my Advanced Level literature class - that was the only one. I liked Cherry Orchard though everyone else hated it!

  3. I hated "Catcher in the Rye" and "The Great Gatsby". I hated that last one so much I could barely tell you what it was about now. I _might_ be willing to reread Catcher...

  4. I don't remember hating any of my assigned reading, but boy, do I remember my sister moaning and groaning about reading Ethan Frome.

  5. Amanda - That is so good to hear! Most of the time I feel like I am the only one in the world who doesn't appreciate these books at least for their "literary merit".

    Mystica - I haven't read either, but I will definitely stay away.

    Amy - LOL! Now I liked both of those; at least I remember liking them my freshman year in college....

    Kathy - I can't imagine reading Ethan Frome in school. I really liked it when I read it last year though!

  6. Posts like this make me see how and why I missed you. I sent you an email..but I found you again, how awesome.

    There are some books I read in high school that I was too young to understand. Like 1984, the pearl, catcher in the rye, kurt vonnegut.

    I just didn't get them.

    Now, I should try again, instead of badmouthing them. I"m so mature, I know.


  7. Red Badge of Courage is definitely on my list for least favorite high school reads. The Scarlet Letter won out for me as my least favorite book though.

  8. I can understand that Heart of Darkness might seem sterile when you're in high school. I can't say loved it but it was ok...

  9. Ah ... Heart of Darkness, the novel that sends English teachers into fits of ecstasy. I was forced to read it no less than 3 times in high school and college.

  10. My Empress - They really do push books on high schoolers which maybe aren't the most relatable! I missed you too!

    Red - I was sort of ambivalent about the Scarlett Letter...

    Em - I think about re-reading it, but meh.

    Stephanie - See that's what I hear, but here I am an English professor and I can't bring myself to re-read it.

  11. I can't remember my reaction to the Red Badge of Courage and I am looking forward to reading the Conrad book. DO NOT TELL ME ANYTHING!!!! You ebook this one for free and maybe I will read it soon...

    I can't think of any books I hated in school. Altho I overdosed on Steinbeck oh! Thought of one!!! Call of the Wild!!! Too cold, too much snow, who would want to venture out inthat crappy weather?! Where was I? I can't read Steinbeck any more. it's like gagging on bleu cheese. I hate bleu cheese.

    I was a book snob to the max in HS. I wouldn't read Austen or the Brontes cuz it was expected of me for cuz I was a 'girl'; I read Les Miz instead to show off.

    I lurrrrvvvved Les Miserables! Aw, the anguish! I don't think I have ever cried so hard with a book.

  12. Shudder. I can't even get passed the title of the Crane book. Blechk!

  13. Ugh - The Red Badge of Courage, I hated that one, too. Actually, sophomore year was a superbad required reading year all around, but the cake taker for me comes from senior year - Of Human Bondage by Maugham. I think Amanda's talked me into one day trying Maugham again, but I wouldn't touch Of Human Bondage again with a 10 foot pole.

  14. Maybe high school just isn't the time for books about war, infidelity, and chasing whales?

  15. I intensely disliked A Passage to India. Only recently I re-read it and loved it. School, college reading somehow spoil it for us!

    Here is my Literary Blog Hop: Disliked Book post!

  16. I tried to read The Red Badge of Courage a couple of years ago, and I couldn't get past the first ten pages. I absolutely hated it. Heart of Darkness, though, is currently sitting in my to-be-read pile, and I'm looking forward to it. :)

  17. I have a group of 7th grade boys who just finished The Red Badge of Courage. They had trouble at first, it was hard to get into, but they all liked it by the end.

    So it goes.

  18. Parrish - Yeah, our educational system does force books on students.

    Care - LOL! Reading Les Mis to show off? That's hilarious. And a bit crazy. :)

    Lifetime Reader - Exactly! Even the title is off-putting for some reason.

    Megan - I actually haven't read Of Human Bondage yet; we didn't read that one in high school. But I think I will stay away.

    Lisa - Hahahahaha! I think you might be on to something there...

    Guatami - It is funny how a book we hated when we were young can be completely different when we read it as an adult.

    Darlyn - I am so glad it's not just me with RBoC. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on HoD...

    James - Different books for different people right? I remember loving Shakespeare unlike everyone else in my class. The only book in school I remember being a relatively universal hit for students was Of Mice and Men.

  19. In college, I could never ever get past one page of Plato's The Republic with falling asleep.

  20. LOL! I loved Red Badge of Courage when I read it many years ago, but I HATED Heart of Darkness when Jason and I read it together a few years ago!

  21. So. I never dated a guy before. I never really talked to a guy about a relationship nether. What am i suppose to do on a date? Is it just like hanging out?


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