16 February 2011

Overlooked Movies

While Stumbling around, I found this wonderful website listing the Most Unfairly Overlooked Movies of the Decade. I haven't seen every movie on the list, but every one I've seen, I completely agree that it was overlooked. Movies like Zack and Miri Make a Porno, The Girl Next Door, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Stardust, Choke, and Grindhouse are ones that make it onto my radar primarily because I teach film. Most of the people I know have never heard of them, or if they have, they not only don't have a desire to watch them, but actively make fun of me for liking them.

I accept this. My movie interests are rather eclectic, and I've been trained (for four years straight) to watch movies from a different perspective than the average viewer. Not better. Just different. I do, however, wish others saw what I saw (totally self-serving maybe, but there you have it).  Cinema Blend's list immediately made me think of two other movies I wish had garnered more attention.

One movie which I tried to make everyone watch - and those who did hated it - is Secretary. Starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal, Secretary tells the story of a young woman who gets a job as a secretary for a high-powered lawyer, and of course, they fall in love. But unlike other romances, theirs is sadomasochistic in nature. The subject is dealt with deftly, the acting is spot on, and the themes are intriguing. And for those who are wondering... It's not sleazy.

Memento, directed by Christopher Nolan, is a film I teach in almost every section of my film class. Our focus is on narrative because this wonderfully constructed film is shot quite cleverly. Imagine two plot-lines - A and B. A is moving forward chronologically. B is moving backward in ten minute or so segments. Now alternate them - ABABAB. It's awesome. And I swear it is not as confusing as it sounds.

Are there any movies released between 2000 and 2010 that you think deserved more attention?


  1. Probably! But I'd have to sit and think about it. We watch alot of WWII themed movies, so I know some of them would fall into that category. Katyn is one, Downfall is another, and just recently was able to watch the screening version of A Film Unfinished, which should be out on DVD soon. All highly recommended. BTW, I was quite entertained by Secretary, and I LOVE Memento. It comes up often with my Monday Movie Meme.

  2. I enjoyed both of these movies. Memento was particularly disturbing. I can't remember as much as I would like about Secretary but I was really into film at the time and thought it was just great. It might be time for a revisit.

  3. Memento is one of the Best Movies Ever. I know you already know this, but I just had to tell you that I agree. ;)

  4. I saw Secretary in college and freakin' LOVED it. I made all of my friends watch it and they too adored it. (We all found it especially hawt). I shy away from recommending it now adays because some of my acquaintances are a wee bit more conservative than they friends I had in college.

    Memento was pretty good and interesting for what it did, but not one I'd watch again. Grindhouse - AMAZING. I saw it at a movie theatre that served beer. *swoon*

    I could go on Trisha because we most definitely have similar tastes in film.

  5. I saw Secretary on Cable TV recently. However, based the fact that I have read only about 30 of the 100 most banned books and recommend less than 10 to my students (My Brother Sam I Dead being a most memorable experience) I've apparently led a rather sheltered reading life. :)

  6. I saw Secretary (I like Maggie Gyllenhaal)... yeah it was definitely weird. I don't remember if I liked it or not though, LOL! I'm leaning towards I did but I'm not sure. And Memento was good too!!
    I didn't care for Zack and Miri though... I'm surprised that made the list. If I had to pick one I'd say Pieces of April with Katie Holmes. That's a great one!!

  7. Memento is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I would love it if more people watched it. It's one that I could watch over and over again and still find something new in each time.

  8. I've heard good things about both Memento and Secretary, but have seen neither. I need to take a good look at that list... I ADORE Stardust (I even own it) and am also shocked at how many people haven't seen it. It's such a wonderful (and wonderfully told) story.

  9. I adore Memento, and funnily enough I heard about Secretary for the very first time the other day. Very curious to watch it.

  10. Memento is an excellent film! A thinking man's (or woman's) movie. Definitely overlooked, but Nolan gets attention now. (Although he's still snubbed at the Oscars.)

  11. Secretary is one of my all-time favorite films. The performances by Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader are brilliant! I have to admit that I have shown this film to several of my friends and all loved it except for one. I was surprised because she was really thrown by the content and believed the film to be anti-feminist. To my mind Gyllenhaal's character becomes the dominant partner in the relationship, but still the submissive by choice. It is not a film I recommend to my more conservative friends because I do not think they would really give it a chance.

    I have not seen Memento, but will add it to my Netflix queue. Love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang...I think the movie is hysterical.

  12. I never saw Secretary, but I did like Memento. I am not a film expert, though, and not very good at knowing the little secret lost bits of film. I almost never see movies, really, they just take so long (I know this is like the reverse, what people usually say about readers, right?), and I just can never find 2 mhours straight to sit and do one thing without interrupting myself. I like Evita, and it got a lot of flack from people, does that count? :D

  13. Love, love, love Memento! I was a big fan of Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang too, a funny noir and Stardust was great as well, similar to Princess Bride.

  14. I love Memento!
    I'm taking a course on Narrative at the moment and we have two sessions on film, maybe I should watch it again beforehand...

  15. OH I love love love "Memento." I really want to see it again because I kind of forgot what really happened and I think it would be fresh again. I agree with you on these. I would add "The Piano" with Holly Hunter to the list. I adore that movie and you never ever hear about it.

  16. Man, I thought I was the only one on earth who enjoyed "Secretary"! I thought it sounded so interesting that I bought it on iTunes, without having seen it before, and I watch it frequently. I love the development of both of the main characters, but I've always been afraid to talk too much about the film, because of its "taboo" subject matter.

    That list is great. I really enjoyed "Ghost Town," and "Choke" didn't play at any theater anywhere near me, so I missed it. "Stardust" was good, but it wasn't my favorite. "Secretary" still tops my list.

  17. I see someone else mentions Holly Hunter! I would add two more of hre movies as overlooked: The Big White - had not heard of it but wow! What a cast! Figured it must be awful but really enjoyed it. And Moonlight Mile which I recall made me think Ellen Pompeo would go places....
    I have met few peoplewho have seen Secretary - it was something! That was inmy days of trying to see EVERY movie getting Oscar buzz. sadly, those days are long ago... I never see a movie in the theatre anymore. :(

  18. I liked Secretary and Memento, but Memento WAS confusing :)


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